Roadshow set to take Sevilla by storm

The World Champion team and driver will be in action this Sunday in Seville, for a special motorsport celebration. The links between Renault and Andalucia are long-standing and strong. 2006 marks the 40th anniversary of the company’s transmission plant in Seville, one of the largest in the Group’s industrial operations. In 2006, it will product 1,025,000 units and employs 3,100 people in Andalucia.
To mark this milestone, Renault and the Council of Andalucia have organised a very special event: the Renault F1 Roadshow, with Spain’s World Champion driver Fernando Alonso at the wheel of his championship-winning R25.
Fernando’s demonstration run will form part of a day of celebration, that will include demonstrations from Renault’s current motorsport categories, and famous cars from the company’s past, including the first ever RS01 Formula 1 car from 1977, and the Le Mans winning Renault A 442B.
The highlight, though, will be the demonstration from Spain’s man of the moment, world champion Fernando Alonso. Just seven days after his victory in the Spanish Grand Prix at Barcelona, and following a week of sporting triumph for his nation, he will drive his world championship-winning car on a specially-constructed course 2.5 km course in the city, running from the Glorieta de San Diego to the Glorieta de Méjico, and back again.
“Barcelona was an unforgettable weekend for me, probably the best feeling I have had in an F1 car,” commented the World Championship leader, Fernando Alonso. “Seville will be a second Spanish Grand Prix for me, a fantastic thing with maybe half a million people. The Roadshow is a great programme because we can get close to the fans and really share their emotion. I am looking forward to seeing my people on Sunday, and to saying thank you to them for their amazing support.”
The Seville demonstration event forms part of the 2006 Renault F1 Roadshow, a programme begun in Madrid in 2003. With free entry for all members of the public, the events form a central part of Renault’s vision to make Formula 1 more accessible for the general public. The unique sights and sounds of a Formula 1 car, running outside its normal environment, make for a spectacular, and unforgettable show.
“So far, over 1.2 million people have enjoyed the sights and sounds of Formula 1 with the Renault F1 Roadshow, and we have seen our car running in Red Square, at the Circus Maximus and on the banks of the Bosphorus,” explained Renault F1 Team Managing Director Flavio Briatore. “ The Roadshow expresses our vision for Formula 1: it is not about living in ivory towers. Instead, we take our racing out to meet the fans. Renault’s philosophy is to open Formula 1 to a wider public, and to put the people at the heart of the action. We hope to offer them an unforgettable experience this Sunday in Seville.”