Kubica working hard at Jerez

The priority today was to use Chassis 06 as much as possible and Robert Kubica continued with the transmission development work. He also did some set-up work and ranthe Interlagos tyres, which was to confirm the team's decision on the compounds they had already chosen to take to the Brazilian Grand Prix.
He did longer runs in the afternoon and also completed damper testing. The preparation for the Brazilian race went well with the team happy with the outcome. The work with Chassis 07 was systems and starts in the morning and brake materials in the afternoon.
Originally the plan was for Robert to finish his work today and for Nick Heidfeld to be the only driver tomorrow. However, as this will be the final test for quite a long time, it has been decided that Robert will now stay on and join Nick, so both cars can be run all day. The work for the final day of the test will be to complete the various programmes that have been running over the past two days.