Development represents our main focus - Theissen

Just a few more weeks to go until the 2007 Formula One season opener, to be held in Melbourne on 18th March. BMW Motorsport Director Mario Theissen is already looking forward to the trip in Australia.
The BMW Sauber F1 Team can look back on a labour-intensive off-season. The new BMW Sauber F1.07 has successfully completed its baptism of fire at Valencia, nevertheless, development work will continue during the coming days and weeks."Currently, the development still represents our main focus as there is a lot of work to do until we will be ready to race," reveals Mario Theissen."That's what the coming weeks will be about. I don't think our thoughts will be on the first race before late February."
In Melbourne, the teams will find out alone which of them were the most successful when it came to doing their homework. However, Formula One can look forward to an enjoyable change in the weather. "Traditionally, everybody likes to go to Melbourne," says Theissen. "It's the season kick-off, the first glimpse of your true position following several months of testing. At the same time, it's a welcome trip from the European winter to the Australian summer."
Source BMW Sauberf1