Vettel copes well with increased popularity

As BMW Sauber F1 Team Friday test driver, Sebastian Vettel acquired an excellent reputation last year and is regarded as one of Formula One's up-and-coming stars. Yet, despite the attention he has experienced he remains extremely down-to-earth.
It is not only on track that Formula One drivers represent the focus of public interest. At the same time, fans are keen on also seeing their idols when not sitting behind the wheel of their cars. This also applies to Sebastian and he appreciates these demonstrations of respect. "Obviously, I get fan mail and try to answer every letter," Vettel says. "But there are times when I'm close to running out of autograph cards."
As soon as Sebastian removes his helmet and overalls, however, he has the opportunity to lead a largely normal life, unmolested by fans and admirers. "So far I'm rarely recognised away from the race track," says the 19-year-old. "Sometimes it happens, like when I'm standing at a petrol station and get recognised by a fan. But I can cope well with that."
Despite his popularity, and increasing presence in the media, Sebastian also has to cope with the 'problems' of a normal teenager every now and then: "When I'm leaving the house on Sunday morning, my hair not combed and wearing a track suit, I wouldn't be recognised by anybody anyway," he laughs.
Source BMW Sauberf1