Red Bull happy with mileage completed

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It is an often cited statement that setting quick lap times in winter testing means nothing at all come the start of the season, often cited by the slowest runners that is. But right or wrong, a quick lap time sure is good for morale!

"We are very pleased with the way this three day test has gone," said Head of Race and Test Engineering, Paul Monaghan. "And yes, it's nice to see David is quickest, at least for today, but more impressive is the fact he completed 116 laps." A quick reality check came from the fact that, in the other car, Mark Webber did not get so much running today because of a drive train problem. "But we are confident we can get on top of that," continued Monaghan. "We can be happy with the mileage we have completed over the three days and also with the fact that our relationship with Renault and Bridgestone continues to improve, as has the overall performance and reliability of the car. Now we look forward to more work on both these parameters when we head off for hotter conditions at the Bahrain test, starting on 22 February."