Focus on consistency and reliability in Australia - Heidfeld

The excitement regarding the first round of the 2007 season, to be held in Melbourne, increases day by day. BMW Sauber F1 Team driver Nick Heidfeld already has set himself a goal for the season opener.
Nick Heidfeld's goal for the season kick-off has been set: "We were pretty quick in testing, but unfortunately not that reliable, so for us, the most important thing in the first race of the season will be to get to the finish," Heidfeld says. In other words: the BMW Sauber F1 Team will focus on consistency and reliability, in Australia."
"Australia is my favourite country on the Formula One calendar," adds Nick. The German used the days prior to the season's first GP weekends to extensively explore the fifth continent. "I flew straight out there with my family from the tests in Bahrain to have a look at a few things and get used to the time zone and climate."
over the race weekend, Nick must be extremely focused in order to adapt to the challenging circuit. The 5.303-kilometre track, located in Melbourne's Albert Park, isn't a permanent race track, therefore, the grip level is low, particularly at the beginning of a GP weekend. "The Albert Park circuit is nice to drive," says Nick, "And it will help that the cars will spend more time on the track on Friday, as extra rubber will quickly be laid down on the asphalt."
Source BMW Sauberf1