Super Aguri F1 Team welcomes SS united group as sponsor

Super Aguri F1 Team is pleased to welcome SS United Group Oil & Gas Company Limited as a major team sponsor. SS United Group Oil & Gas Company Limited (SUG) is an oil trading company which has an extensive network for the supply of petroleum products and advanced energy technology in China, Russia, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia.
SUG is based in Hong Kong and is a joint venture between SS United Oil & Gas Company Limited (SUC) and Saha Regal Best Company Limited, a Thai investment company established in 1996, primarily involved in development of major infrastructure projects in Thailand and Indochina.
Takatoshi Saito, President, SS United Group Oil & Gas Company Limited “We decided to join forces with Super Aguri F1 Team as we were encouraged by the new team making headway in the F1 world. Through confidence instilled in the team we decided to forge a long term partnership with Super Aguri F1 Team. We hope that the team will not only merit from our sponsorship, but we hope that our relationship will contribute to the development of the car. We believe that the race results of the team will reflect well on our business. We would therefore like to support the team in different aspects and work with them hand-in-hand. SS United Group hopes that this partnership will benefit both companies and contribute towards significant growth.”
Aguri Suzuki, Team Principal “I am happy that SS United Group has joined our team and that we could share our news with you at the Australian Grand Prix. Because our team was born in Japan, SS United Group is keen to support us as they feel that we share the same ‘team spirit’. It is a new company, like us, and has been formed by a group of experts from the petrochemical industry. We are hoping that through our partnership that we shall help each other to grow. I hope that this is the beginning of a long relationship, not only as a sponsor of our team, but in a broader business sense. I believe that we can work together to enhance developments for the future.”