A lap at Sepang with Alonso

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The Malaysian Grand Prix is considered as one of the most demanding races of the Formula One season. Not only is the Sepang International Circuit one of the most technical ones on the calendar, but the drivers will also suffer on physical level as the drivers will face incredible heat and humidity that can cause them to lose up to 3.5-4.0 litres of fluid. World Champion Fernando Alonso takes us for a ride at the Sepang track.

Fernando Alonso "Sepang is perhaps the most difficult circuit of the year, and it is certainly one of the most technical. With this I mean that your car needs to be strong in every area: all the important corners tend to be high-speed, so you need a perfect car balance and good aerodynamics The track itself has a lot of rhythm, one corner leads you to the next one and it is not hard on the brakes; it is all about keeping the momentum through the corners. Physically the track is very demanding; it's extremely hot and humid, which makes it particularly tough for the driver. There are many corners that I love here and that can give you a lot of lap time if driven correctly. Turn Five and Six is the high speed section and very exciting. It is taken in fifth or sixth gear and when the car is well balanced, with enough front wing and not too much understeer, it is beautiful to come out of Turn Six extremely fast. Then there is also the very slow corner of Turn Nine, this a good test of the traction on the car; if you have a good car coming out of there you will accelerate very quickly until Turn 11. At this corner you need good support from the rear suspension. The tyres are under a lot of strain here as well, and not only because of the heat but also the asphalt is quite old now. As a result it has broken up over the years, so every year it gets harder and harder on the tyres."