Sabotage at Ferrari?

Yesterday, we reported that Ferrari filed a complaint against employee Nigel Stepney. Today, a spokesperson of the Italian F1 Team, Luca Colajanni, told the French press agency AFP that Ferrari accuses Stepney of sabotage. Ferrari claims that before the 2007 Monaco Grand Prix somebody bungelde up the cars. According to sources within the company, Ferrari suspects Stepney to put a mysterious powder in the petrol tanks of the F2007 of Massa and Raikkonen.
The powder, that was discovered on 21 May, is being examined by the scientific team of the Italian tribunal. Felipe Massa finished the Monaco Grand Prix in third position while team mate Kimi Raikkonen finished 8th.
Jean Todt said in the Italian newspaper 'La Gazetta dello Sport': "If we have given the dossier to the judiciary, it means that we have found something illegal. Sabotage? I don't want to make any comments on that."
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