Looking to pick up points with both cars - Theissen

After the North-American back-to-back races, the Formula One circus moves back to European soil for the French Grand Prix. BMW Motorsport Director, Mario Theissen, hopes that both his cars can finish in the points at Magny-Cours.
Mario Theissen "After the Grand Prix double-header in the big cities across the Atlantic, the slightly remote rural idyll of Magny-Cours represents a welcome contrast. You are free to focus on the sport and the demanding race track. We were up against it a bit here last season, but managed to escape with a point despite starting from 11th and 16th on the grid. The team has come to expect good grid positions in the top ten nowadays - also Sebastian Vettel met that standard in his first ever F1 qualifying at Indianapolis. Like Robert himself, the team is also hoping that he will be back in the car in France. The race doctors at Magny-Cours will have the final say on that one though.
We have finished in the points in every race so far this season, but in the last two GPs we only managed to get one car to the finish on each occasion. Nick would have been set for a third-place finish in the USA and his retirement was a real pain. We are looking to pick up points with both cars at Magny-Cours and in so doing strengthen our third place in the World Championship.
You have to bargain for high temperatures again in France. We will be running with the same engines as at Indianapolis. That includes Nick's car, even though the regulations would have allowed us to change the engine this time around. However, it is still in good shape, so we don't need to replace it. We have yet to make an unscheduled engine change in 2007.
After the French Grand Prix, we have to pack up and head for England. Another two GPs in eight days is hard going, and many members of the team will not make it home at all between the races. There's a lot of time pressure when it comes to setting up and packing away all the kit, as well as on our preparations for the races themselves."