Piquet Jr. visits ING at Bucharest

ING Renault F1 Team test driver Nelson Piquet Jr. made his first visit to Bucharest, today at the invitation of ING, the title sponsor of the ING Renault F1 Team. Nelson was the guest of the company on the occasion of its 10 years anniversary, to wish a lot of success in the private pensions “race” that will start this summer.
Currently considered one of the most promising young talents in Formula 1, Nelson will spend the 2007 season in the strategically important role of test driver for the ING Renault F1 Team, alongside team-mates Heikki Kovalainen and Giancarlo Fisichella. A famous name and a fresh-faced rookie, Nelson Piquet Jr. is a young man who is learning his trade in F1, behind the scenes. Hard-working and diligent, the young test driver is determined to make the most of his opportunity to learn in the world champion team. He uses each test session to the maximum, spending as much time as possible with the team, learning form the engineers and understanding the demands of motorsport’s flagship category at the wheel of the R27; this is a young driver determined to earn him place among the elite.
“I am delighted to be making my first visit to Bucharest today, and to be celebrating the tenth anniversary of ING’s business in Romania,” commented Nelsinho. “I have had a fantastic welcome from our sponsors at ING, and I am glad to see Formula 1 is raising interest in Romania, as all over the world. One of the exciting things about Formula 1 is travelling all over the world and feeling the support that people have for our team. It is not just with the people at the track, or even at the factory, that we achieve success – at ING, for example, we have over a hundred thousand people pushing us forward all the time to better performances. Whether it is in finance or Formula 1, we know that teamwork is the way to achieve results.”
Bram Boon, General Manager ING Life Insurance, said: “Our Formula 1 programme is a global sponsorship initiative which will help us to enhance the awareness of ING as a top tier global financial services organisation active in banking, insurance and asset management. Especially now, that we prepare for our own race on the private pensions market, we consider ourselves lucky to have such a good start given by one of the most famous test drivers in Formula 1.”
On a global scale, ING is a major pension provider, with more than 150 years of international experience and 60 million clients in 50 countries. The total value of assets administered by ING through pension funds reached 223 billion euro by the end of 2006.