Red-flag procedure adapted for Brazilian GP

Charlie Whiting, F1's race director, has changed the procedure in the event of a race being stopped at Brazil. Whiting has told the teams that if the race is stopped, the cars will instead form up in the pitlane prior to any restart - allowing teams to works on the cars as quickly as possible.
A statement issued by the FIA said: "Due to the difficulty of clearing personnel and equipment from the grid in Brazil, in the event of the race being suspended all cars will be required to enter the pitlane and pull up in a line in the fast lane at the red flag line approximately ten metres before the pit exit lights.
"If the race is suspended whilst the cars are behind the safety car it will be directed into the pit lane where it will stop in the fast lane at the red flag line at the pit exit, all cars again being required to stop in a line behind it."