Honda announces first beneficiaries of the Myearthdream Trust

The Honda Racing F1 team today announces the charities and organisations that will benefit from funds raised by 2007’s myearthdream initiative. Donations from the public at the website totalled over £98,000. The beneficiaries were chosen by an independent Advisory Board of environmental experts who split the money equally between two international causes:
Marine Stewardship Council []
The Marine Stewardship Council is an independent non-profit organisation that promotes responsible fishing practices around the world.
Forest Stewardship Council []
The Forest Stewardship Council is an international organization that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world’s forests.
Funding was also donated to the myearthdream Trust by Honda and its partners, which brought the total raised so far to over $1.2million including public donations. Beneficiary charities announced so far include:
Green Light Trust []
An organisation dedicated to forestry protection, working with local communities and using education and learning to grow woodlands.
Lighthouse Foundation []
The Lighthouse Program is an inspirational project designed to support young people. A strong educational and environmental emphasis, the Foundation is to reduce youth homelessness.
Wiser Earth []
An organisation which networks, educates and empowers environmental organisations around the world
Meninos do Morumbi []
Creation of an environmental education programme within an inspirational programme working with children in the favelas of Sao Paolo.
Bioregional Development Group []
An entrepreneurial, independent environmental organisation that develops commercially viable products and services which meet everyday needs from local renewable and waste resources.
Spirit of Soccer []
Supporting an inspirational programme dealing with the issue of land-mine clearance in Cambodia using education and sport to tackle one of the most deadly environmental issues.
The Honda Racing F1 Team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has given so generously to the Trust to make these donations possible.
But this is just the start, Honda also announced today that Myearthdream is evolving to earthdreams. Earthdreams' mission is to harness the power of dreams by supporting and empowering inspirational projects that have a positive impact on the world around them.
It is a long term commitment and further announcements about charitable donations will be made throughout 2008.