Ross Brawn blames aerodynamicists

Ross Brawn has stated that the F2005's aerodynamics are the cause of Ferrari's lack of performance. This year's car was designed by Aldo Costa and Brawn blames Costa for a poorly designed car that can not compete.
Ross Brawn "The aerodynamic performance is not what we expected."
The Ferrari F1 cars used to be designed mainly by the legendary Rory Byrne but the South African has stepped down in favor of Aldo Costa.
Jean Todt however earlier said Byrne is still as much in the factory as he was last year. The two main aerodynamicsts work together as a team now. Todt also believes Byrne wouldn't have built a car different from the F2005.
Other factors may also not be underestimated. It is a general belief that Bridgestone has interpreted the new regulations not as well as Michelin did while also the new gearbox resulted in much gremlins in the beginning of the season.