I want to inform the new (and not so new) members that this
thread was made to talk about drivers. The P in PM means Personal, as when the message interests you and your pal. I'm a deleter these days, why, o why? What are you trying to convert me into? I repeat my conviction: whatever you say about drivers,
that, you are. That's what separates fanboys from fanmen.
On a side note (on
thread?) I'm surprised by n_smikle surprise. There are, still, people that has lovers, use drugs, swear, fight, do not believe in Jesus or Mahoma, yawns in public, farts, and, generally, lives in sin (they are politically incorrect, as they say now),
but are not necessarily worried about other's people opinion. Zest for life is a thing you
can have, beloved members. Role models, role schmodels. People is alive, you know?
So, in the end, I think there are reasons you can have to smack someone in the face. Heck, there are reasons to smack someone in the bollocks!

You might not
share those reasons, you might not
approve those reasons, but sometimes you can
understand them. Of course, violence is the resource of the incompetent, but not everybody is competent all the time. This idea must be wrong somehow, but you should see the people where I live.