long quote from BBC

well, my respect for Mclaren just hit rock bottom. =D> my all time favourite team, acting in a manner i wouldn't even expect Ferrari to behave.

That's low. really low of mclaren. really low. With all the respect for Magnussen, I have zero knowledge about the guy but some F3.5 statistics, and can't compare him to anyone. But to dump Serigo like this, is beyond me. They 'calculated' he couldnt come upt to JB's speed? if it wasn't for a team order he would have beat alonso in Malaysia '12!! I think this Mexican deserves better! He was promised a great car with a great future and has gotten sh*t and now gets more of that?
Wow. just wow.
So, Cheko to ForceIndia, Magnussen @ Mcl.
To refrain to whitmars's words on the Hamilton splitting:
I hope they'll regret dumping him, I hope force india now is going to BEAT MCLAREN in the WCC, and I hope next year then will be another dog car for MCL. and now I hope Brawn will not be heading out to Macca. Cheko, show 'em what you can do in a Merc-powered ForceIndia, and bring your Telmex money there. I hope Carlos Slim will not back the traitors with his funding and instead hammer it down to FI. So it'll be JackJones on the Mcl next year I guess.
Now, that means we have 2 'brits' @ Force India next year.