Australian GP 2009 ( finally! )

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


ISLAMATRON wrote:That is the same video... simply put, had Kubica given Vettel room so that all 4 of his wheels could remain on the tarmac, ther would have not been a coming together, in my estimation. Kubica actually hit Vettal mid corner... watch the video.

Then why didn't RK's car go off to the left after they touched? He had plenty of control and SV overcooked it and braked way too late. If SV braked in the same manner as RK he would have made the corner. RK braked a bit early and STILL was ahead of SV's wheel at turn in.
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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


gcdugas wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:That is the same video... simply put, had Kubica given Vettel room so that all 4 of his wheels could remain on the tarmac, ther would have not been a coming together, in my estimation. Kubica actually hit Vettal mid corner... watch the video.
Then why didn't RK's car go off to the left after they touched? He had plenty of control and SV overcooked it and braked way too late. If SV braked in the same manner as RK he would have made the corner. RK braked a bit early and STILL was ahead of SV's wheel at turn in.

SV clearly brakes before RK at the 11 second mark of the video you posted.

Pause again at 1:46 and you see how RK forces SV onto the rumble strips, at that point SV loses braking and steering capability and understeers into the side of Kubica. And with that I am done with this topic.

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!



My main concern with the Vettel - Kubica incident is after Kubica has hit the wall both his left side tyres are trundling along the track (I noticed this happened a couple of times last year with the Red Bull however they seemed to just fall off rather than being ripped from the car against the wall).

Not having a great knowledge of the rulebook I'm not sure on the exact rules but, surely there has to be something in the rules against that? Last year when it happened and today I noticed nothing was mentioned in the commentary and I don't recall it being mentioned on any forums I visited. In my opinion this should be throughly looked into and major checks made on the tethers, their mountings and that they were secured properly, IMO it is as bad as a driver going out without his HANS device. The tyres could have posed a much higher risk to the other drivers coming through and the marshalls than the cars of Kubica and Vettel.

I'd just like to see what other peoples view on this is, as to whether others see it as being as bad as I do.

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


man that tire flew right over RK's head... and did it hit the roll hoop maybe?

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


djos wrote:
zgred wrote:Lots off action this week. Penalties before race, after race. And now for Vettel - Vettel gets Sepang grid penalty.
I hope next week we will have even more on track action, less steward involvement.
Surprisingly first corner went without carmageddon of the front wings.
That's pathetic FIA Steward consistency as per bloody usual, Webbo get his race ruined by Barichello who wasn't even in the corner to begin with and he gets off scott free and yet Vettel who was along side Kubica gets a penalty!!!! [-X
I guess you missed the fact that Kovi stuffed his front wing under Reubens diffusor just before hitting Webber?

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


Rubens did hit Kimi as well in a similar move.. Not as much harm done, but I thought that didn't matter when they're deciding penalties? Or not? I'm confused.. Weren't the FIA supposed to be conspiring in favor of Ferrari?
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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


Jersey Tom wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:Vettel did nothing wrong! Even if he wanted to lift off and Let Kubica by he couldnt because Kubica forced him onto the grass/off the track. SLICK ON GRASS DONT WORK! I dont care if they are green or purple, new or old its impossible to brake or turn with slicks on grass. Vettle deserves a penalty for running around on 3 wheels, but 10 spots is too much... dont think we've ever heard of that penalty before... unless he ignored a black flag.
We're not talking about mid-corner here. Vettel should have lifted early and given Kubica plenty of room as he was approaching the corner, instead of committing to defending it. Simple.

Glad the stewards agree!
What the HELL are you talking about?

If Kubica was so much faster, why not simply wait another turn instead of squeezing a car up on the kerb when he KNOWS THAT THE RBR WAS HAVING GRIP PROBLEMS WITH THE TYRES?

And to suggest that ANYONE needs to move the hell over to let a faster driver through kind of removes any respect that I have held for your opinion.

Kubica could have easily taken Vettel in the next turn, but chose to slam the door on him, and got himself DNF'd.

And just because the stewards agree doesn't make it correct, as has been shown consistantly over the last few years.

Man, it must be sad to be you if this is the kind of thinking that is required to overcome the grief of your driver making a boneheaded mistake.

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


Jersey Tom wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:Giving up positions is really stupid.... and not something any smart competitive driver would do.
The way I see it, giving up easy guaranteed points is really stupid. Suppose it's you driving...

95% chance you can walk away with a 3rd place finish.

15% chance you can walk away with a 2nd place finish.

Which is the wiser move? Over the course of a season, option 1 is what is going to give you the best chance to win one or both of the championships.
And arent you the one that agreed with the" Winner Take All" system? Doesn't this seem a bit hypocritical to you?

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


shir0 wrote:dude, he was on the red and white rumble strip (curb)...not grass.
That Kerb will kick you badly if you hit it like that.

Watching the race, most drivers avoided that particular kerb like it was Bernie's bad breath.

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


Woah woah ladies calm down.

My view on the incident:


Vettel was nursing tyres
Kubica was on a mission on the mediums
Kubica felt he had the pace to win


Vettel out-braked himself into Turn 1 giving Kubica the run up the outside into Turn 3. Vettel rightly blocked the inside line and held it. Kubica at no point was significantly ahead enough mean that Vettel had to yield. Kubica then turned into the apex expecting Vettel to have yielded or be out-braked. They collided.

In hindsight, Kubica should have yielded and taken him on the run from Turn 6 to Turn 8.

Kubica mainly to blame.
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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


gcdugas wrote:
shir0 wrote:dude, he was on the red and white rumble strip (curb)...not grass.

Vettel was on the grass/rumble strips because he insisted on going into the corner way too deep. RK was enough ahead to claim the line he did. That is why the penalty. That is why Vettel apologized on the radio immediately afterward.
Why did Kubica need to pinch Vettel onto the kerb when he could have EASILY overtaken him into turn 5?

Vettel was not blameless, but Kubica was not an innocent either.

Its over and done with (other than Vettel carrying a 10 place penalty into next race), so I'm over it.

Oh, and arbirtary fining of $50,000 when cost cutting is being rammed down everyones throats is a bit of horse ---.

Better to make them do community service!

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


gcdugas wrote:That is not the video to watch. Look at the view from the helicopter at exactly 1:02 of this video Seb said he knew his tires were trashed by that time and I think he simply overestimated his ability to make the corner with a late entry (as well as an inside to out trajectory). He wouldn't apologize that rapidly on the radio if he was upset with RK running him off the road.
That is the same video... simply put, had Kubica given Vettel room so that all 4 of his wheels could remain on the tarmac, ther would have not been a coming together, in my estimation. Kubica actually hit Vettal mid corner... watch the video.
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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


Conceptual wrote:
djos wrote:
zgred wrote:Lots off action this week. Penalties before race, after race. And now for Vettel - Vettel gets Sepang grid penalty.
I hope next week we will have even more on track action, less steward involvement.
Surprisingly first corner went without carmageddon of the front wings.
That's pathetic FIA Steward consistency as per bloody usual, Webbo get his race ruined by Barichello who wasn't even in the corner to begin with and he gets off scott free and yet Vettel who was along side Kubica gets a penalty!!!! [-X
I guess you missed the fact that Kovi stuffed his front wing under Reubens diffusor just before hitting Webber?
Regardless of Kovi hitting RB 1st, RB steamed into the corner too fast. I dont remember seeing kovi hit Rb 1st tho so i'll go back and have a look at the footage.
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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


Kubica is a wild Animal.. He had THREE LAPS TO DO THAT!!

Even if he waited until the straights #-o .. what a Bozo..

I mean BMW used to be my team so i root for them too.. but he needs a Lesson in Passing From Hamilton.

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Re: Aussie GP 2009--finally!


n smikle wrote:Kubica is a wild Animal.. He had THREE LAPS TO DO THAT!!

Even if he waited until the straights #-o .. what a Bozo..

I mean BMW used to be my team so i root for them too.. but he needs a Lesson in Passing From Hamilton.
Vettel should have let him through, he cocked up the previous corner and opened the door.

Kubica should have left more space, to protect himself, but Vettel is still more at fault.
- Axle