I'll bring this up...
https://it.motorsport.com/f1/news/f1-al ... a/8163076/
Giorgio Piola writes: "È interessante rilevare, quindi, come il calore prodotto nelle pance sfoghi forse nel diffusore, mentre quello generato delle masse radianti poste sopra al motore Honda fuoriesce dalla coda del cofano motore che si protende fin sopra alle sospensioni posteriori: anche in questo caso l’aria calda dovrebbe influenzare la beam wing e migliorare l’estrazione dal grande diffusore posteriore."
It's interesting to see, then, how the heath generated inside the sidepods flows maybe into the diffuser, while the hot air coming out from the radiators placed above the Honda PU exits from the upper tail hole on the back above the rear suspension: in this case the hot air should engage the beam wing and enhance air extraction from under the diffuser"...
It seems to me it is not only illegal, but eventually also illogical since it could disrupt/destroy the flow under the car in a critical area...
What do you think?