The problem lies with the denominator of the equation and the fact that it lies inside a square root:
![](/cgi-bin/mathtex.cgi?Cos(\theta) -\mu Sin(\theta))
The numerator will always be positive for
![](/cgi-bin/mathtex.cgi?0\leq \theta \leq 90 deg)
and more than 90deg is nonsensical. So if the numerator goes negative, we're trying to take the square root of a negative numbers - so unless we're on an imaginary track something is wrong.
Indeed if the numerator is zero, then we have an even bigger problem....
![](/cgi-bin/mathtex.cgi?Cos(\theta) -\mu Sin(\theta) \> 0)
Skipping the algebra and trig lesson,
So for Tomislav's assumed
=1, as we approach an angle of 45 deg, we hit a divide by zero error. Any angle of bak above 45 deg gives a square root of a negative number problem....
Physically, it's easier to consider a static situation than a dynamic one- for
=1,45deg is the critical angle at which friction just balances the component of weight down the slope. If the angle increases beyond 45 deg the object will slide down the slope. So if you want static balance on a slope greater than 45 deg, you need
The dynamic case yields the interesting result that to corner on a banked slope steeper than 45 deg, the friction coefficient must be less than 1.... and now the math part of my brain has had enough.