There are 2 concurrent F1 championships WDC and WCC
Currently the driver gets unfairly penalised from matters that are not his fault.
Eg, wheels not fitted properly, going over allocation of components etc.
An alternative might work this way for example over say 8 races:
C = constructors fault; 0 = driver fault; Crash no fault = NF
Driver 1: 25,25,15, 0, C, C, C, NF =65/out of a possible 100 = 65%
Driver 2: 15,18,12, 4, 6, 25, C, C = 80/ out of a possible 150 = 53.3%
Constructor faults are deducted from WCC accumulated points.
No grid penalties for drivers for constructor fault.
Crash at fault = grid penalty?? continues into points ??
Crash no fault, continues into points?? continues but unable to get to points ??