Hi my name is Brett and I have been competing in the F1 in Schools competition for the past year in Australia, this is the second year I am participating in this program. So I am trying to put in a huge effort to do the best.
I am the Design Engineer for my team, consisting of 4 people (inc. me) The others are Graphic Designers, Team Manager and Team Manufacturer.
I found this website while browsing Basilisk Performance's topic found here
and so like them, I thought maybe i could find some help here.
The program involves us designing, making, testing, racing it down a 20 metre track and analysing our car the cars are only 200mm long and have a minimum weight of 55g. Check out the full rules here: http://rea.org.au/wp-content/uploads/20 ... les-v1.pdf
Here are some pictures of my car. Currently, I don't know the exact drag reading as this morning I tested the car and it said 16grams of drag and 8 grams of lift. I did nothing to it and now it says 21grams of drag and 1 gram of lift. I use Solidworks
Please help me reduce the drag and anywhere that could help make the car go faster.