I would think that Mario Theissen is honest and that Max Mosley told the teams to give him their conditions. That bit must be true. What probably neither Mercedes nor Max Mosley knew was the conditins which were agreed by FOTA. It appears that they were deliberately set in a way to provoke rejection because thy are not a negitiation step, but an ultimatum.
My impression is that Mosley was considerably pissed off by what came back last Friday. As a result of the "piss off strategy" by FOTA he will probably be just as stubborn. That explains his comments about FIA making the rules. So far in these discussions all parties usually avoided to publish an ultimatum. What Ferrari's Domenicali told the press last Sunday is a departure from the negotiation path. Knowing Max's nature one could only expect a very strong rebuff.
I reckon that FOTA had their answer. They know that the FIA will not accept their conditions. But they knew that even before they submitted the conditions. I do not expect Mosley to go one more step before FOTA takes back the ultimatum. So if they collectively do not want to compromise some of them may want to secure a place in F1 next year. We do not have to wait very long now to know.
One thing is almost 99% certain. The FIA will probably approve more than 3 new entries, and that will set the detonation charges to the FOTA foundations.