This might sound a bit direct and harsh, but I don't have time for a long explanation, and please remember I'm only trying to help.
First of all, have you put your front wing into the high_res folder? Your surface mesh looks very coarse indeed.
Anyway... the problem is your cascade design, particularly the first element.
The leading edge is too sharp and too nose down, which makes the boundary layer very thick immediately. Yes, you got away with it with your finer StarCCM mesh and better boundary layer modelling, but it is quite obvious from your LIC plot that your element is misaligned.
I would make it much thicker and rounder, and more nose up. You can get away with a sharp leading edge, as we only run at a fixed ride height, but in that case you have to make sure it is properly aligned.
The lower surface at the trailing edge is too aggressive. It is pointing directly at the second element, creating a reflex in the camber line. So the flow has no choice but to separate from that element, which is made even worse by the poor boundary layer from the leading edge problem. This is quite obvious even in your StarCCM picture.