Sometimes I do think it is a little over moderated. I mean if people strictly followed what the thread title is about then there would be virtually any discussion.
I have a feeling that this thread was 'bumped' because of the race thread being locked due to a bit of talk about Mercedes and where they go from there and a little cost cap related.
Put talk like that in the team thread, gets removed as not related to the team. Make a thread up about the discussion of potentially breaking the cost cap and it gets locked. Where do people go to discuss things like that?
One of the major teams, and probably about 20% fanbase of the members who frequent here. (it is the 2nd most commented thread on the team forum page) and thats a lot of people who just end up 'silenced' because it doesnt go against what the mod team want to see.
Dont get me wrong, they do a great job, and peace is kept most of the time, but people should just be allowed a bit more 'free-speech', so to say.
I mean it was only last week a mod commented on a thread about something, then half a page down the same mod keeps the conversation going that they have just tried to stop.