FOTA starts a breakaway series

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Afterburner wrote:
WhiteBlue wrote:
Once FOM collapses and F1 is significantly damaged FOTA will have the necessary leverage to push their own candidate at the FIA presidential elections. It looks to me as if this has been the objective for some time.

Let me call one name for that place: Jean Todt
Great! exactly what we need, more Ferrari influence on the FIAt board.

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


What needs to be done within the FIA is something more significant, or so I believe anyway.

Tean Todt would still have connections with the the era of corruption and deception.
Paul Stodart perhaps?
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Jean Todt is too much partisan for Ferrari to be an acceptable FIA president AFAIK. He has never served in the FIA but was just a Ferrari representative for the F1 commission. One cannot expect the FIA to elect a person without any ties and previous activity in the organization. I expect Montezemolo to find an appropriate cut out with FIA ties who will not give FOTA any pains.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


WhiteBlue wrote:Jean Todt is too much partisan for Ferrari to be an acceptable FIA president AFAIK. He has never served in the FIA but was just a Ferrari representative for the F1 commission. One cannot expect the FIA to elect a person without any ties and previous activity in the organization. I expect Montezemolo to find an appropriate cut out with FIA ties who will not give FOTA any pains.
Agree with WB. With the best intent in the world, Todt just could not be totally unbiased (and even if somehow he WERE, few would believe 1t!)

Here's a wild card to consider for some role in FOTA, either in management or as anentrant: What major figure in high level auto racing is a billionaire who ALSO owns an auto manufacturer producing 100s of thousands of cars each year?

Roger Penske nows owns (as soon as the legal paperwork is complete) Saturn, formerly part of GM.
Last edited by donskar on 20 Jun 2009, 00:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Force India looking to re-join FOTA: from their Twitter page.

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


donskar wrote:
WhiteBlue wrote:Jean Todt is too much partisan for Ferrari to be an acceptable FIA president AFAIK. He has never served in the FIA but was just a Ferrari representative for the F1 commission. One cannot expect the FIA to elect a person without any ties and previous activity in the organization. I expect Montezemolo to find an appropriate cut out with FIA ties who will not give FOTA any pains.
Agree with WB. With the best intent in the world, Tidt just could not be totally unbiased (and even if somehow he WERE, few would believe 1t!)

Here's a wild card to consider for some role in FOTA, either in management or as: What major high level auto racing is a billionaire who ALSO owns an auto manufacturer producing 100s of thousands of cars each year?

Roger Penske nows owns (as soon as the legal paperwork is complete) Saturn, formerly part of GM.

Saturn GP?

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


kilcoo316 wrote:
xpensive wrote:That's perhaps what you need if you work from an Ivory tower at Trafalgar square, professionals will have you a list of tracks, TV channels, organizers and speditors before lunch.

The commerical end could be (to all intentions and purposes) sorted within 2/3 weeks.

The contracts would be drawn up and signed over a slightly longer timeframe, but agreements in principal could be in place before the end of July.

According to John Howett the teams have a "very mature" Concorde Agreement that is 99.9% finished. A little white-out to change the name FOM to GPMA and FIA to GPWC is all that is needed. About ten minutes work. And don't think that the new Concorde Agreement was prepared with the possibility of this eventuality in mind.

That is why, amid all the FOM silence on the matter we only occasionally heard peeps about signing a 1998 Concorde Agreement from the FIA/FOM. This vintage of the agreement sounds great in polemics (sign the agreement you signed before) but it is vastly inequitable in its distribution scheme and governance transparency. It also leaves the teams powerless to FIA willfulness as it was under this document that many unilateral FIA changes were foisted upon the teams. Great in polemics but an utter failure in honestly negotiating a true solution. The teams statement that they have been ignored, hostilely attacked by both FOM and the FIA, Ghosen's comments on who provides the spectacle and who are just dispensable "intermediaries", calls for transparency and "sound governance" all point to no compromises. Max could leave tomorrow and it wouldn't be enough. The FOTA teams want to treat the fans right too. They mentioned much cheaper tickets last night. None of this is possible with any of the old structure or players. Bye bye Maxie-pooh. Pssst Bernie, you should have hired Tony Soprano about two years ago to make your problems "disappear".
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


DM0407 wrote:Could teams like Ferrari/RBR/STR race under a different name? They could just hire a sub par cast and race with this year's chassis and then use their resources in a different series.

Fulfill their contracts with the FIA, but stick it to them at the same time. I don't think it would tarnish Ferrari's image as most people would understand why they would be second rate.
Don't forget the LARGE FOTA GPWC stickers all over the token cars and team personnel uniforms.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Conceptual wrote: OMG!

Do you even remember how much crap you just gave me over saying that same thing? Is that what you do? Argue until proven wrong, and then steal the argument for your own?


FOTA= sunk because the FIA has them in their law trap now.

Everyone will start running away, and Ferrari, Red Bull, Brawn and Mclaren will all be back in F1 next year under the cap and making the most amazing F1 cars ever built.

Renault, Toyota, STR and BMW will then be the only members of FOTA, and on the outside.

Then 2010 will become and engine tweaking year with the $45MEUR AWD adaptable winged chassis.

And we will all be here talking about it, and speculating on what FOTA might have done if the FIA had just let them go like gentlemen.

It is going to be a crying shame really.

Have you been to an Amsterdam "coffee shop" sampling the herbal goods? This post has got to be the most laughable thing since "I did not have sex with that woman".
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


gcdugas wrote:Don't forget the LARGE FOTA GPWC stickers all over the token cars and team personnel uniforms.
Ouch, please drop the megafone.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


xpensive wrote:What needs to be done within the FIA is something more significant, or so I believe anyway.

Tean Todt would still have connections with the the era of corruption and deception.
Paul Stodart perhaps?
Assigning or electing an individual may be the wrong way to go. Perhaps a rotating govorner of sorts. Jean Todt in 2010... Ron Dennis in 2011 and so on.

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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Max Mosley: If the teams want to start a new series they should do it.

FOTA: OK, we want to start a new series.

Max Mosley: I will sue! :roll: :roll: :roll:


Max Mosley: Why don't all you FOTA teams submit conditional entries on May 29th?

FOTA: OK, we have submitted our conditional entries.

Max Mosley: Conditional entries are invalid. :roll: :roll: :roll:


Max Mosley: F1 can survive without Ferrari.

Ferrari: OK, we are leaving.

Max Mosley: Oh no you aren't. We won't let you. :roll: :roll: :roll:


Have I missed anything? Am I living on a different planet? What else can we expect from Max now? Who could ever deal with such a man?
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


WhiteBlue wrote:I am surprised that FOTA pulled this off so far. I do not see a way back to resolve this any more. The FIA/FOM camp have obviously under estimated the attraction of a series that would not be stripped of 50% of the revenues.
Why are you surprised? Haven't enough people on this forum been warning you that this time it is for real? And yet you stubbornly resisted them and even mocked their assertions and warnings. Cough, cough.
WhiteBlue wrote: Once FOM collapses and F1 is significantly damaged FOTA will have the necessary leverage to push their own candidate at the FIA presidential elections. It looks to me as if this has been the objective for some time.
Why? The FIA is an irredeemable entity with politically stacked courts of appeal covering each others' asses and bone-headed stewards who don't even look at video footage or listen to radio transmissions before issuing a ruling. They are also very poor at interpreting the English language interpreting internal mass dampers as "movable aero devices". Last year's Spa decision etc. There is nothing there worth saving. Junk the whole lot of them. If they wanted to run a candidate to replace Max they would have done so the last time around as he wasn't very popular then either with all the GPMA row being contemporary just prior to that election.
Last edited by gcdugas on 20 Jun 2009, 01:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Ecclestone to mediate.... uggh. Enough of this Bernie worship. If he was so wise, if he was so powerful, then why did he let it get to this point... or anywhere near it. Face it... Bernie isn't all wise or all powerful. Max trumped him at Indy in 2005 and he ignored him in 2009. This is the simple truth that any kindergartner could see. Let's lay this one to bed once and for all.
Last edited by gcdugas on 20 Jun 2009, 02:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FOTA starts a breakaway series


Let's lay another myth to bed as well. Any and all comparisons to the IRL/CART split are invalid. The FOTA faction will have all the prestige behind it and FIA/FOM will just be another spec racer Cosworth series, albeit with a well known "copyrighted name" to it.

Two series... kind of... One series with all the substance and "another" with the empty shell of a "name". I am taking wagers at 100-1 as to which will have all the fans within one season.

BTW, back in the GPMA days Toyota was the chief resister to a split for this reason. Now they are among the chief agitators for the breakaway. They know that fears of two viable series is a myth because there is only one viable party.... the FOTA series.

End of myth.
Innovation over refinement is the prefered path to performance. -- Get rid of the dopey regs in F1