Try to break it down to a force system.
You said you don’t need a full explanation just the right track to go so I give you a quick drawing of a static case.
You see one of the tires and the body of the car viewed from behind.
The car does not drive, so you just lift the body.
The wishbones and the push rod just takes either push or pull forces because they can rotate around the bearings on their ends.
The static load from the tire gets transferred by the wheel into the upright.
The point of attack might be a bit of centre so a little moment arises.
This is balanced by the top wishbone.
The vertical force on your tire is compensated by the vertical force of the pushrod.
But this creates a horizontal force also, which has to be compensated by the lower wishbone.
The same forces appear on the body of the car just in the other direction.
That is the way you have to go, when you want to know all the forces.
The next things you have to do is looking from the top on the suspension and figure out the forces.
Then you can put cornering-, accelerating-, and breaking forces to your wheel.