[MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)

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The Rusted One
Joined: 07 Aug 2023, 08:33

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


In more recent (5 or so) variations of my car, the postprocess hasn't worked. As in it only returns the CpTot results in the report. It seems to crash in the SampleDict
Another problem is Streamlines 05 seems to only 1 or 2 streamlines.

from the sample log :
Time = 2000

Reading fields:
volScalarFields: static(p)_coeff total(p)_coeff
volVectorFields: U

Executing functionObjects
--> FOAM Warning :
From function void Foam::mappedPatchBase::calcMapping() const
in file mappedPatches/mappedPolyPatch/mappedPatchBase.C at line 604
Did not find 160 out of 7628 total samples. Sampling these on owner cell centre instead.
On patch MAND_FRT_SUSP_MVRC_2024_V02 on region region0 in mode nearestCell
with offset mode normal. Suppressing further warnings from mappedPatchBase
[2] Generating stack trace...

ZN10StackTraceC1Ev [0x705c1465+0x25]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\ThirdParty-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32\lib\libstack_trace.dll
ZN4Foam5error10printStackERNS_7OstreamE [0x1131d88+0x218]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
ZN4Foam7sigSegv14sigSegvHandlerEi [0x1133983+0x33]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
(No symbol) [0x4045c7]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
_C_specific_handler [0x7ffa12bcb248+0x98]
module: C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll
0_chkstk [0x7ffa1487517f+0x12f]
module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
RtlFindCharInUnicodeString [0x7ffa147ee856+0xa96]
module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
KiUserExceptionDispatcher [0x7ffa1487416e+0x2e]
module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
ZN4Foam15mappedPatchBase9facePointERKNS_8polyMeshEiNS1_17cellDecompositionE [0x632cfdee+0x28e]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libmeshTools.dll
ZNK4Foam15mappedPatchBase10facePointsERKNS_9polyPatchE [0x632d01db+0x9b]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libmeshTools.dll
ZNK4Foam15mappedPatchBase11calcMappingEv [0x632d488f+0x7f]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libmeshTools.dll
ZNK4Foam25sampledPatchInternalField16interpolateFieldIdEENS_3tmpINS_5FieldIT_EEEERKNS_13interpolationIS4_EE [0x58fea48+0x3d8]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZNK4Foam25sampledPatchInternalField11interpolateERKNS_13interpolationIdEE [0x5782ead+0xd]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15sampledSurfaces14sampleAndWriteIdEEvRKNS_14GeometricFieldIT_NS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEE [0x581a40d+0xcd]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15sampledSurfaces14sampleAndWriteINS_14GeometricFieldIdNS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEEEEvRKNS_12IOobjectListE [0x5818c60+0x340]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15sampledSurfaces5writeEv [0x57aa1b7+0x1d7]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15functionObjects11timeControl5writeEv [0xf857da+0x4a]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
ZN4Foam18functionObjectList7executeEv [0xf7c516+0x76]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
(No symbol) [0x402c30]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
(No symbol) [0x478f9b]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
(No symbol) [0x4013f7]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
(No symbol) [0x40152b]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
BaseThreadInitThunk [0x7ffa12ec257d+0x1d]
module: C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
RtlUserThreadStart [0x7ffa1482af08+0x28]
module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

job aborted:
[ranks] message

[0-1] terminated

[2] process exited without calling finalize

[3] terminated

---- error analysis -----

[2] on LENOVOP16
postProcess ended prematurely and may have crashed. exit code 3

---- error analysis -----
Rusted GP

Joined: 17 Oct 2024, 19:36

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


quite some weird behavior as wel herel, I ran a "formula ford" car :D (the one provided by one of you, without wings) saturday night, every post processing were ok, but since I switch to our car on Sunday, I do not have the Cp plotted on the walls in my reports.

here is the message I got :
Time = 2000

Reading fields:
volScalarFields: static(p)_coeff total(p)_coeff
volVectorFields: U

Executing functionObjects
--> FOAM Warning :
From function void Foam::mappedPatchBase::calcMapping() const
in file mappedPatches/mappedPolyPatch/mappedPatchBase.C at line 604
Did not find 84 out of 13240 total samples. Sampling these on owner cell centre instead.
On patch FrontSuspV1 on region region0 in mode nearestCell
with offset mode normal. Suppressing further warnings from mappedPatchBase
[3] Generating stack trace...

ZN10StackTraceC1Ev [0x705c1465+0x25]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\ThirdParty-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32\lib\libstack_trace.dll
ZN4Foam5error10printStackERNS_7OstreamE [0x1131d88+0x218]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
ZN4Foam7sigSegv14sigSegvHandlerEi [0x1133983+0x33]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
(No symbol) [0x4045c7]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
_C_specific_handler [0x7ffc2d5db248+0x98]
module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll
0_chkstk [0x7ffc2dd3517f+0x12f]
module: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
RtlFindCharInUnicodeString [0x7ffc2dcae856+0xa96]
module: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
KiUserExceptionDispatcher [0x7ffc2dd3416e+0x2e]
module: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
ZN4Foam15mappedPatchBase9facePointERKNS_8polyMeshEiNS1_17cellDecompositionE [0x632cfdee+0x28e]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libmeshTools.dll
ZNK4Foam15mappedPatchBase10facePointsERKNS_9polyPatchE [0x632d01db+0x9b]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libmeshTools.dll
ZNK4Foam15mappedPatchBase11calcMappingEv [0x632d488f+0x7f]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libmeshTools.dll
ZNK4Foam25sampledPatchInternalField16interpolateFieldIdEENS_3tmpINS_5FieldIT_EEEERKNS_13interpolationIS4_EE [0x58cea48+0x3d8]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZNK4Foam25sampledPatchInternalField11interpolateERKNS_13interpolationIdEE [0x5752ead+0xd]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15sampledSurfaces14sampleAndWriteIdEEvRKNS_14GeometricFieldIT_NS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEE [0x57ea40d+0xcd]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15sampledSurfaces14sampleAndWriteINS_14GeometricFieldIdNS_12fvPatchFieldENS_7volMeshEEEEEvRKNS_12IOobjectListE [0x57e8c60+0x340]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15sampledSurfaces5writeEv [0x577a1b7+0x1d7]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libsampling.dll
ZN4Foam15functionObjects11timeControl5writeEv [0xf857da+0x4a]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
ZN4Foam18functionObjectList7executeEv [0xf7c516+0x76]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\lib\libOpenFOAM.dll
(No symbol) [0x402c30]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
(No symbol) [0x478f9b]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
(No symbol) [0x4013f7]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
(No symbol) [0x40152b]
module: C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017\OpenFOAM-5.x\platforms\mingw_w64GccDPInt32Opt\bin\postProcess.exe
BaseThreadInitThunk [0x7ffc2d25257d+0x1d]
module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
RtlUserThreadStart [0x7ffc2dceaf08+0x28]
module: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

job aborted:
[ranks] message

[0-2] terminated

[3] process exited without calling finalize

[4-5] terminated

---- error analysis -----

[3] on DESKTOP-6H6MD57
postProcess ended prematurely and may have crashed. exit code 3

---- error analysis -----

I don't know if that would help, but I must confess my CAD are not 100% "clean" : If I open my stl in other CFD code, I have errors like overlapping tris etc, I was actually impressed that mantium was "ok" to simulate them, is there some kind of wrapper that are used behind the scene ?

By the way, apart from those missing Cp (which are quite vital as the car is currently way off in performance :D ) I must say I'm very impressed with the whole workflow ! I've never submit a first simulation so quickly, very well done ! and the post processing + html report is really nice !

Thank you in advance for your help

best regards

Last edited by AlexTitaneGP on 20 Oct 2024, 11:19, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 04 Mar 2024, 13:01

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


Guys, any help on how to get MFlow working? I've downloaded MFlow for windows and followed the steps exactly. I even downloaded blueCFD as well. Its working till building the case but when I run it, nothing is happening.
Also, in the directory files, everything is linked properly. Only thing i'm confused about is the UFO settings, what is that?

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


For the postprocessing issues, my guess is that you've got bad geometry. Check that you don't have holes, zero thickness parts, etc. sometimes increasing the stl resolution of your parts can help too.
Max Taylor

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


spacehead3 wrote:
20 Oct 2024, 18:12
For the postprocessing issues, my guess is that you've got bad geometry. Check that you don't have holes, zero thickness parts, etc. sometimes increasing the stl resolution of your parts can help too.
+1 for this, its almost always a bad stl. The longest way to find out is to remove bits and re run until it gives you a full post process

Dodgy_Malaka_69 wrote:
20 Oct 2024, 17:40
Guys, any help on how to get MFlow working? I've downloaded MFlow for windows and followed the steps exactly. I even downloaded blueCFD as well. Its working till building the case but when I run it, nothing is happening.
Also, in the directory files, everything is linked properly. Only thing i'm confused about is the UFO settings, what is that?
As for getting it running at all, bluecfd is mandatory not an option. Make sure you have the right (older) version. 2017 I believe. Openfoam 5.x
MVRC - Panthera

Joined: 04 Mar 2024, 13:01

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


yinlad wrote:
20 Oct 2024, 18:43

As for getting it running at all, bluecfd is mandatory not an option. Make sure you have the right (older) version. 2017 I believe. Openfoam 5.x
Yes, I do have BlueCFD and with it comes OpenFOAM 5.x. it is already inside the blue cfd 2017 folder.
im not sure what the UFO settings are. do you what to use for that?

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


Dodgy_Malaka_69 wrote:
21 Oct 2024, 01:32
yinlad wrote:
20 Oct 2024, 18:43

As for getting it running at all, bluecfd is mandatory not an option. Make sure you have the right (older) version. 2017 I believe. Openfoam 5.x
Yes, I do have BlueCFD and with it comes OpenFOAM 5.x. it is already inside the blue cfd 2017 folder.
im not sure what the UFO settings are. do you what to use for that?
UFO settings? I genuinely have no idea what you're taking about now
MVRC - Panthera

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


UFO is an alternative solver not used for MVRC simulations

Joined: 17 Oct 2024, 19:36

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


spacehead3 wrote: ↑20 Oct 2024, 18:12
For the postprocessing issues, my guess is that you've got bad geometry. Check that you don't have holes, zero thickness parts, etc. sometimes increasing the stl resolution of your parts can help too.
+1 for this, its almost always a bad stl. The longest way to find out is to remove bits and re run until it gives you a full post process
many thanks, weirdly enough, my last run with still "bad" surfaces ran ok and I've got all the post processings, I've just donwloaded a "brand new" Mantium.exe. However I'll try to fix my surfaces :)

another beginner couple of questions, I see in previous results that almost everyone is running his car with ride height adjustement at -20mm. First question, how do you do that ? when I click buid case, it says ride height is 0.04, and even when I try in the settings to put -20 it doesn't change anything. I've tried to put in my geometry folder a geo.txt file with this information but I didn't succeed to make it work, could someone share one such file with the correct format please ?

and second question : "why" do you do that ? If in my CAD my surfaces are already at the bottom of the reference volume, then I'm not "allowed" to use ride height adjustement ? am I right ?

many thanks in advance

Last edited by AlexTitaneGP on 21 Oct 2024, 10:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


Dodgy_Malaka_69 wrote:
21 Oct 2024, 01:32
yinlad wrote:
20 Oct 2024, 18:43

As for getting it running at all, bluecfd is mandatory not an option. Make sure you have the right (older) version. 2017 I believe. Openfoam 5.x
Yes, I do have BlueCFD and with it comes OpenFOAM 5.x. it is already inside the blue cfd 2017 folder.
im not sure what the UFO settings are. do you what to use for that?
You need to downgrade msmpi packge to 7.1 (maye 8.1 will work anyway) if you use OpenFOAM 5.x (blue cfd 2017). Win10 and Win11 are provided with msmpi 10.0.

Joined: 04 Mar 2024, 13:01

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


I've tried downloading and running the 2017-1 and 2017-2 version of Blue CFD. I even ran OF simulations using BlueCFD. the online tutorial from the user guides was working fine. I've installed MFlow and configured the location of OF settings to C:\Program Files\blueCFD-Core-2017 (I've installed the software in that location). The MSMPI package is also 7.1, I even installed 8.1 in case it might work. I still have no idea why it isnt running. First time when I try to run it, it shows some deprecated error and from the next cases it doesnt show anything.

OF is working through blueCFD but for some reason it is not working in MFlow. I've tried with all the available templates (MVRC, MVRC_Short, MVRC_Long).

I even tried keeping blueCFD open while using MFlow. I've checked all the tutorials as well, i dont seem to understand why this is happening

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


AlexTitaneGP wrote:
21 Oct 2024, 10:09
another beginner couple of questions, I see in previous results that almost everyone is running his car with ride height adjustement at -20mm.
Go to settings, there's a ride height field, set it to -20 and hit apply. The text file is only needed when submitting the official run so that Andre knows what you want to do.

Rule 15.1 With the car constructed in accordance with rules 1 to 12, above, the entire car, excluding wheels , may be be rotated a maximum of -2.0 degrees (nose down), with the center of rotation being located at X = 0mm, Z = 0mm. After the rotation, the lowest part of the car, excluding suspension parts and wheels, must not be closer than 20mm the the wind tunnel ground.

The ride height / rake is applied after building your car within the reference volumes. You can then apply rake / ride height as long as the car is >=20mm from the ground. So you can either do -20mm of pure ride height reduction, or some combination of rake and ride height. Mflow will tell you your minimum ground clearance at the bottom.

Most people just run -20 ride height. Car works better closer to the ground and in most cases this generation of cars doesn't like rake.
Max Taylor

Joined: 17 Oct 2024, 19:36

Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


Thank you very much for the clear explanation Max ! :) I'll test that tonight and hopefully unlock floor performance !

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


stefano.segneri wrote:
18 Oct 2024, 11:43
Which specific parts of the car are supposed to be rotated, and which ones aren't? According to the rule, everything should be rotated except the wheels. However, this would cause the round section of **MAND_FRT_SUSP** and **MAND_RR_SUSP**, which connect to the wheels, to heavily intersect with the wheels themselves.
You export the parts as they are in your CAD system. MFlow will move them all based on your settings. The suspension parts actually get morphed.

When changing settings, always click the Apply Button!

AlexTitaneGP wrote:
21 Oct 2024, 10:09
and second question : "why" do you do that ? If in my CAD my surfaces are already at the bottom of the reference volume, then I'm not "allowed" to use ride height adjustement ? am I right ?
If you lower the car in your CAD system, I am almost sure, you are violating some rules. Place your car according to the mandatory parts and other guides. Ride height then gets set in MFlow. MFlow is then even nice enough to report what the distance is between the car and the floor.

Regarding the installation issues: I suggest to do the following. Download and install the correct blueCFD version (yes, we still only use OF 5.0), download the latest MFlow version from the challenge page, follow the installation instructions (try out Matteo's tip as well, he is probably right), ignore settings about UFO, then go to mantiumflow.com and try the shark tutorial. When that works, you can start getting into cars. Here certain things can happen, while MFlow and OF are pretty nice when it comes to bad geometry, it can always screw up a simulation. Then, you can also simply always run out of memory. The shark tutorial does not need much but an MVRC car can, esp when you have many open geometries.
Even then things can happen. Post-processing takes a while and maybe not every single step will work. At some point they can crash but others will run. The MFlow report is smart enough to only take what "worked".

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Re: [MVRC] Mantium Virtual Racecar Challenge 2024 (Grand Prix Cars)


Andre I've just noticed something while looking up some numbers from Silverstone.

https://mantiumchallenge.com/results-mv ... tone-2024/

In the results on the website myself and CAE are mixed up. He's reported as 3rd and myself 4th but it was indeed the other way around (the video was correct and matches the results files for my car). I've re-calculated points based on the actual positions and note the standings are also incorrect as a result of this.

By my tally I should be on 55 points and CAE 48 points, not 52 and 51 respectively.
MVRC - Panthera