Doesn't make any diffeence I know but I would like to add my name to the list of people who are very dissatisfied with the outcome of this investigation.
No Fine,
No Ban,
No retrospective ammendment of the result of a race proven to be fixed??? WTF. The result stands for all time, very bad form.
No punisment for Alonso? (O.K. just me being vindictive maybe but COME ON, he was completly unaware? Briatore's golden boy out of the loop? Bullshit. He knew before Ron Dennis about the inner workings of spygate, if there's cheating going on Alonso will be in on it

Very little in the way of bad P.R. coming from the FIA when considering the level of witchunting that went on with Hamilton. All their press releases on the subject were VERY restrained.
Suspended sentence??? Renault have already compromised safety since this incident with Alonso's continuing with unfastened wheel which subseqently departed his vehicle, there is a precedent if any one investigating was interested.
Renaut came forward and co-operated, and apologised? how does lanching a lawsuit against the party bringing the evidence to light for blackmail and defamation count as coming forward. They were clearly caught out, shown to be guilty by the telemetry leaving almost no doubt prior to any hearing, they were backed into a corner by the evidence yet allowed time by the FIA to prepare a suitable response to mitigate any punishment before any ruling was made.
As soon as the evidence came to light an annoucement should have been made by the FIA. Not allow time for dismissals, glad handing, grovelling and pocket stuffing by Renault.
Piquet should be racing for no drivers points for at least the next season maybe two, construtors points should still count.
The FIA, Does it stand for 'French In Allignment' or perhaps 'Formula In Anarchy'
If I could write '---' a thousand times down this page it would barely contain the beginings of my contempt for the organising body of this sport. At the very least in cases of disciplinary proceedings a truly independant body is required.
Now that anyone managed by Briatore will be denied superlicence renewal does this mean the drivers involved? can break their contract with Flavio? What will that cost them? Do they simply find a new manager during the remainder of the season or will they be denied renewal regardless?