From the original post on this topic:
Engineers are working on the chassis of the 2025 car through a re-design of the suspension attachment points and engine attachments to the chassis itself.
Sorry the engine attachment is by regulation.
From the 2025 Technical Regulations, 5.4.8 Power Unit Dimensions:
Engine (ICE) mountings may only comprise six M12 studs for connection to the survival cell
and either four or six M12 studs for connection to the transmission. These studs may be
fitted on the survival cell, engine or transmission, their installed end must be M12 and their
free end may be a different diameter. Every stud must have a tensile strength greater than
The six mounting faces of the studs for connection to the survival cell must lie at
[XPU, Y, Z]=[0, ±215, 15], [0, ±340, 260] and [0, ±175, 420]. All six of these studs must be used.
Four mounting faces of the studs for connection to the transmission must lie at
[XPU, Y, Z]=[480, ±100, 15] and [480, ±255, 345]. All four of these studs must be used.
Optionally, an additional two studs may be used, provided their coordinates are at [XPU, Y, Z]=
[480, ±150, 140]
A tolerance of +/- 0.2mm will be permitted on all of the above dimensions, all dimensions
refer to the centre of the studs. All dimensions in this Article refer to studs fitted
symmetrically about the car centre plane.
Any part which provides an additional load path from the survival cell to the gearbox, with a
connection to the engine, may only do so if this is incidental to its principal purpose.