I love the movie some of us have made up in our heads that GR is some wannabe Machiavellian mastermind. If GR was eating a ham sandwich they'd say it was part of some pathetic masterplan to get under the skin of his rivals. Anything the guy does, no matter how mundane is twisted into this narrative, which only further shows that this is some conspiracy nonsense living rent free in people's heads. GR isn't turning the frogs gay, but he's certainly turning some of the people on here into Alex Jones.
Not edgy enough? How about this...
<< mod edit - idiocy removed >>
Let's just be real here. The LH crowd needs GR to stink, because if he doesn't that means LH is actually past his prime and Merc were right to offer the 1+1.
My hope for this season is to see Merc climb. This is the JA car of this era with all of the, "We're going to need to wait until between seasons." issues addressed. KA has massive potential. GR will be a good team leader, and it'll be fascinating to see him in a top team as the #1 driver like his peers. Bring on F1 2025.
Edit: GR vs. MV this season would be fire. I predict those two are going to smash into each other at least once this season, and it'll be because GR refused to yield. Could you imagine GR smacking MV on the helmet the way he did Bottas, or MV shoving GR the way he did Ocon? Pure F1 porn.