... r_embedded

Circuit Length: 5.554 Kilometers
Race Distance: 305.470 Kilometers
Race Distance: 55 Laps
Tyres Compounds: Soft/Medium
Heh, I was thinking TrackMania Nations, stadium circuit jollyness :).andartop wrote:S*%t! It looks like a track out of Wipeout!!!
mx_tifosi wrote:You just wanted to be the creator of the last GP thread of the season!
I'm about to start the Bahraini GP thread for March....
Hang on a moment. If Bernie's medal system is stupid, then what are you proposing? As I recall, something like 1000pts for a win? On that basis, this season would be over aaages agoISLAMATRON wrote:BErnie's "gold medals" are stupid but the idea behind them is sound.
The championship may have been over BUT NOT THE SEASON... like I said each race is a battle, and in a battle only the winner matters, who cares who came in 5th... The Abu Dhabi race wont be any less interesting because the WDC & WCC are already decided, quite the contrary... it will be harder fought because people wont be so afraid to pass a rookie to not endanger their 5th place finish.richard_leeds wrote:Hang on a moment. If Bernie's medal system is stupid, then what are you proposing? As I recall, something like 1000pts for a win? On that basis, this season would be over aaages agoISLAMATRON wrote:BErnie's "gold medals" are stupid but the idea behind them is sound.
The tactical strategic stuff is what I like about this sport. So yes, the points system works for me. And yes reliability should be a big part of the game as well, shame it has become less of an issue in recent years.ISLAMATRON wrote: What do you want deciding the championships? Wins or 5th place finishes, or even reliability.
The WDC was over several races ago, only some obscure points permutations is what has allowed it to continue this far.