ISLAMATRON wrote:siskue2005 wrote:komninosm wrote:
What's up with that? At first I thought Rai accidentally disengaged it because of the fire and stuff, but it is clearly shown that he exits his own pit-stop area with the limiter off (or at least the light is broken). WTF is going on? Was he speeding? Got any links for Canada mate?
Canada is different , he switched off his pit limiter when was stationary at the pit exit.
The light was not on at anytime he was in the pits in CAnada 08, please look at the tape before you speak, he switch nothing off, the light was never on.
i checked it now again
but they only show Kimi's car from behind for 2 t 3 secs and in that gap i couldnot make out the red might have been off or on...its really difficult to say from those footage....and next time they show his back, he has stopped in the pit exit....
PROBABLY switched his pit limiter off when he stopped to jump Kubica when the light goes green.
Anyways...but still i dont understand what are u trying to proove??