What kind of rig test do you think you could do to this vehicle?

Altogether not totally straightforward. You might consider an alternative approach to be attractive: use hardware-in-the-loop tests to identify & validate an "adequate" mathematical model, & then use the mathematical model to answer more complex questions, accepting that it might not "see" non-linearities like damper cavitation & structural energy dissipation. Either way, there is probably no substitute for "knowing exactly what you are doing" or, to be more precise, knowing what you are not doing.Belatti wrote: In 1, to create those "drive files" for the force actuators to simulate deterministic loads, I guess you use any data acquisition system, lets say Pi, right? Wich are the sensors needed? Driver controls, nx, ny, airspeed, 4 x PRL, 4 x upright acceleration, 4 - 6 x damper position, 2 x ride height as a minimum, I think. Temperatures (tyres & dampers) might also be useful.
(I´ll guess and you can correct me)
*Rolling moments caused by lateral acceleration: accelerometer + math function Yes.
*Pitching moments caused by longitudinal acceleration: accelerometer + math function Yes.
*Driven wheel torque reaction: rpm + TPS + math function Yes.
*Aerodynamic pressure: ??? Aero map, airspeed, ride heights (estimated or measured).
*Vertical loads caused by aerodynamic pressure: damper position sensors + math function? No. Aero map, airspeed, ride heights.
Bearing in mind how had we "deterministically" calculated or measured in 1, then in 2, this "complex iterative process" is performed... how extactly? A programmed logarithm? I think here is one of the areas where the expertise of the consultant worths a lotRequires a reply by itself. MTS use "RPC", Instron use "Spidar", not sure what Servotest call theirs. All proprietary. MatLab "mmle3" function & explanation in "State Space Identification" might be helpful. "Consultants" could be useful to advise on what to include in the cost functions used to iterate to a simulation and to assess the effect of set-up changes. Also to advise on what to do when it all blows up (fails to converge), rips a corner off the vehicle, etc.
1) The other forces not represented were the ones some forumers mentioned, such as Fy in tyres? Yes.
2) Correct sensors positioning is critical, right? Absolutely, + scaling.
4) Unless you have created "drive files" for different recorded laps with different lines. Maybe this can be done in order to evaluate if any given setup is more or less forgiven with, lets say, tralibraking to suit some particular driver, etc, etc... Don't know. I was thinking more of driving lines changing as set-up changes.
Im thinking here about a music director: he may know the individual capabilities of each musician but he must make them all sound in harmony and sinchronization.
Returning to race cars, that is: how much my roll center + pitch center variations will let me trailbrake using that spring and damper configuration? A step too far, perhaps.
5) With "more idealized rig tests" you mean simply sending sinusoidal or step inputs to the hydraulic actuators supporting wheel platforms? Yes.
Exactly....marcush. wrote:...as the test alone is no proof things will work
on the track, especially if the rig test does omit -does not account for-some important real life events....
I think these are just 7 post rigs that have sideways actuators at the wheels(Hence the +4). The 11 post rig is just a wicked marketing ploySean H wrote:there are more comlex 11 post rigs out there being used as well.
Don't forget that a collection of forces on a body can be combined into a triad of forces and moments about the center of gravity. You can then equate this collection of forces and moments into three forces placed strategically on the body. Typically the loads are applied (on an open-wheeler) close to the nose cone and the rear wing, presumably to make the loads somewhat realistic. I'm not sure how the loading is defined quantitatively. It could be done any number of ways, but probably some combination of data taken from the track, wind tunnel, and CFD.The_Man wrote:As far as I understand the actuators act on 3 points on the chassis. Wherever they are they form a plane and you can simulate pitch, roll, heave or a combination, that is fine. But in reality the loads are actually quite differently applied. For example if we put a formula one car on it the down-force comes from the wings and bottom. When we simulate on a rig we apply forces differently leading to the same down-force, but being applied at different points. So I do not how much this shall effect the results, but I can see the load path information to be quite different to the reality.
a 4 post is just a shaker table, 4 wheels.The_Man wrote:I think these are just 7 post rigs that have sideways actuators at the wheels(Hence the +4). The 11 post rig is just a wicked marketing ploySean H wrote:there are more comlex 11 post rigs out there being used as well..
On a serious note this is not the first time I hear of 11 post rigs. I know McLaren where talking about one in development about 8-9 months ago. I do not have more information on this though. What else could you possibly actuate?
May be the sideways effect of the shark fin engine cover.
... & the chassis may be more compliant. Either that or the force-controlled actuators are not attached to true bulkheads. Few road vehicles have bulkheads, & NASCAR's are little better....Sean H wrote:a quality shaker table will almost let you put actuators anywhere you need. In the stock car setups, its not uncommon to use more than the 7 total since they deal with more body roll along with aero than open wheel setups.
I am quite aware of this, but these 'ideas' are strictly for rigid bodies. If one of the aims of the rigs is to check for effects of compliance, then this might not be very accurate. However on second thought, may be the estimate is not too bad away from the points of application of the load.Mystery Steve wrote: Don't forget that a collection of forces on a body can be combined into a triad of forces and moments about the center of gravity. You can then equate this collection of forces and moments into three forces placed strategically on the body.