My god.
This crap is STILL going?
We've already established that your idea is baseless, it is a construct in your mind only, no practical tests, no calcualtions, no hard data, and indeed no facts at all only your say so. And is therefore worth precisely nothing at the moment.
Please do not ask me how it works, unless under a non disclosure agreement or £4 million up front.
Is this a joke? If it is well done, I feel foolish for missing it. If not then who the --- do you think you are?
This is a forum, noone is going to pay any money and you must know this. Therefore I simply cannot fathom a reason for you to type the sentence above.
If FITech can convince me of a method to achieve NDAs over the web, I would be happy to send copies of the schematic and operating description to anyone interested.
Not the forums job, it's a contract agreement between you and the specific user. You can get a ready made generic 'fill in the blanks' agreements out there, you just need to make sure it conforms to the law. They need to be printed signed, and signed by a witness. Then they are legally binding.
EDIT: I can't believe i've been sucked back in to posting in such a blatantly bullshit thread.