USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Cant they buy a couple of Super Aguris and change its wings for the love of peewee?
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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


At least American have something else high tech and cutting edge that did well....BMW Oracle just won the America's Cup....The boat aptly named USA is made in USA is one hell of a boat....


90 ft long Trimaran with a 223ft tall rigid wing sail(longest of its kind, longer than a single wing on a A380) that can do 33 knots on water....

Now lets see if they can build a car....

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Belatti wrote:Cant they buy a couple of Super Aguris and change its wings for the love of peewee?
I'm sure there's plenty of technical reasons why the adaptation (no honda engines, for example) would be more trouble than it's worth. But then again, Brawn stuck a Mercedes engine where a Honda belonged, so it's not unheard of.

That being said, however, you make a good point.

USF1's worst enemy is themselves. From what we've seen, they've taken every opportunity to do things from scratch, against conventional wisdom, and against the grain. Transverse gearbox...start a new operation from the US...

It seems they've set out to do things in the slowest, costliest, and most difficult manner possible far too often here.

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Agreed FOZ

TBH - I hadn't thought of the 'whys' until I read Mike Gascoyne being interviewed; he said they decided to get the Cosworth/Xtrac package because they knew it was ready to go and talking so they could concentrate on building the rest of the car. Simple practical decision making when you are short of time. The sort thinking you employ when you have a plan to get a project to a deadline.

I does make you wonder what the hell USF1 were thinking of and what kind of management they have. Sure, have your own gearbox in the pipeline for the future - but for now it's far better to just get to the grid with a half sensible car that works.

It's looking very poor for USF1

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


RacingManiac wrote:At least American have something else high tech and cutting edge that did well....BMW Oracle just won the America's Cup....The boat aptly named USA is made in USA is one hell of a boat....

90 ft long Trimaran with a 223ft tall rigid wing sail(longest of its kind, longer than a single wing on a A380) that can do 33 knots on water....

Now lets see if they can build a car....
Well, they also had an incredible wing (you could call it a sail :roll:)that was not banned by FIA. :lol:
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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


mx_tifosi wrote:Could everyone please get back on topic? :wink:

Independance, military strategy, etc, have nothing to do with the USF1 team. And on this page less than a handful of posts are on topic and of quality.

This thread really needs a good cleansing.
Nationality should also have nothing to do with F1, alas USF1 have made it a big issue. :(

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


richard_leeds wrote:
Nationality should also have nothing to do with F1, alas USF1 have made it a big issue. :(
This is where I agree with you completely. It may to some sound disingenuous,
being the pot that called the kettle black.
However If you read my posts on this matter I've consistently opposed the All-American Team.
Windsor thought he could capitalize on American jingoism. Not being an American
(I won't refer to him as a Brit) He was simply out of touch with
America and its sporting consciousness.
If he would have taken a pragmatic approach, He would realize that real F1 followers are not going to either fall for,
or embrace this credo. Success sells in the US. The NBA is a good example. It is a pinnacle of its sport.
If it or America rejected the international talent it has been receiving for the last twenty years it would
probably be just one of a series of top leagues.
On a more personal note, I haven’t watched F1 on Speed TV going on three seasons.
I'm a bad man because I watch the pirated BBC feeds over the net.
Not because of the commentary. Because it is commercial free.
In saying that, when I did watch it on Speed I really liked their British-y
announcers except Windsor. Steve Matchet is sharp as a knife, and drew heavily on his experience at Benetton.
David Hobbs not only provided the kind of color commentary I really liked. Although a little cheeky,
he commanded respect, because he had actually accomplished some things in F1 and other European road racing
(like winning at Monza in the old configuration of the track). But Windsor was simply an annoyance.
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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Richard... please... The Italians with Ferrari (remember the opening ceremony for the Olympics), Mercedes recruiting German drivers, McLaren touting an "all Brit" line-up. India, Malaysia, etc., etc. Heck, I remember when Prost was trying for an all French line-up with Peugot.

National pride is part of the game in an international series. It's part of the fun and should be. USF1 made no bigger deal out of it than the others.

The sad fact is, US bashing is considered sport, some deserved, some not. Too many of us let it cloud our vision to the point that we can no longer enjoy a good competition, or engage in a good technical discussion.


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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


countersteer wrote:National pride is part of the game in an international series. It's part of the fun and should be. USF1 made no bigger deal out of it than the others.
The problem is not the All-American team idea. It's the fact that they proudly proclaim one thing and the next day do the opposite. Whatever they say is just rubbish. When everyone realizes that, they just modify their speeches. The next thing to hear from Peter is 'the failure was planned!'

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


woah! I was agreeing with mx_tifosi.

USF1 made nationalism part of their "all american" agenda and that has dragged this thread down to a pro/anti american level.

Start a new thread if you wish to discuss nationalism in F1.

edit - the thread is over here ... :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8009

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Pandamasque wrote: The problem is not the All-American team idea. It's the fact that they proudly proclaim one thing and the next day do the opposite.
Suggest you listen to the Varsha interview I posted. It's clear they had this going differently in their minds, but hey, s*%# happens.

We are all guilty of getting side tracked on this thread so let's just keep our mouths shut until one of 2 things happens:

1. The team makes an official announcement or a reputable news source weighs in
2. The factory mysteriously just disappears from google maps aerial shots and is replaced by a giant for sale sign.

Can we all agree on that? No Pro-American chest thumping and no anti-American heckling. At least until something official is announced :roll:
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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Xcuse me mad, but the place is for sale, check it out. Here;
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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


Looks simmilar to this place, intresting:


Trouble at mill???

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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


xpensive wrote:Xcuse me mad, but the place is for sale, check it out. Here;
Can't it just be a business decision? :-| My old uni sold the building they already owned only to lease it afterwards. The profit they made on it looked good in the books and to the investors.
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Re: USF1 -- F1's All-American Challenger


xpensive wrote:Xcuse me mad, but the place is for sale, check it out. Here;
Yes, we had this dicsussion a few dozen pages back. The conlcusion was that it is not uncommon for a property owner to sign a renter to a lucrative lease contract and then sell the building.

If they owned it themselves and were selling, then yes, it would be news. Since they don't, its just a company making a quick buck on a building not likely in very excellent condition when USF1 took over it.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Formula SAE: '06, '07, '08, '09

2007 Formula SAE World Champions
2008 Formula SAE at VIR Champions
2009 We switched engines and learned a lot...the hard way