WhiteBlue wrote:
I have read this kind of academic opinion by you several times. Unfortunately we have yet to see a high downforce design that facilitates overtaking in F1. My view is that it probably isn't existing. This is based on the experience of watching the game for 20 years and applying some common sense.
"Common sense" is often more "Common beliefs" based on nothing.
Just that because you didn't see overtaking with High downforce cars (probably have missed a part of the early 90's, GE cars and some CART races) doesn't prove your point about downforce level having an effect on wake.
All this talk of diffusor angle and coupling of diffusor and wing wake is just theory without addressing the core problem.
In addition to ignoring the on track tests,the fact that the so called "theory" is the root of basically everything you use all day long for your convenience, you don't bring even the slightest debut of point.
I won't discuss with you until you bring precise point; What you're saying there is just "this is all theory! We have to bring that limit! I know that for i watch F1 for 20 years", which is not more that all those armchair experts you can see in number on all forums full of their "not rocket science" solutions.