Red Bull RB6

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Re: Red Bull RB6


autogyro wrote:Your curved line is drawn on the front face of the tyre and means nothing.
The line is just paint on the gravel mark, where the floor is supposed to touch. But on this piccture, the floor end before this mark, so it do not touch the tyre.
The picture you show with the RB6 crnering shows the inside rear floor height
No. The first picture show RB6 at the end of a left corner and the shot was take on the right side. It shows the out-side of the car, where the floor is supposed to be the lowest. :wink:

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Re: Red Bull RB6


The car is moving as well,so no judgments can be made. Both instances, high and low fuel ride height, have to be made when the car is stationary, aero loading muddles what the height really is.
For Sure!!

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Re: Red Bull RB6


Lurk wrote:
autogyro wrote:Your curved line is drawn on the front face of the tyre and means nothing.
The line is just paint on the gravel mark, where the floor is supposed to touch. But on this piccture, the floor end before this mark, so it do not touch the tyre.
The picture you show with the RB6 crnering shows the inside rear floor height
No. The first picture show RB6 at the end of a left corner and the shot was take on the right side. It shows the out-side of the car, where the floor is supposed to be the lowest. :wink:
Dammit the car is going through a 'right' hand corner apex and the load is on the left hand side of the car away from the viewer.
The red mark you made has no relevence because you put it on the contact surface of the tyre so any gap between this and the end of the floor cannot be measured to it because of paralax and lack of datum point.
The floor edge is 'obviously scrapping the gravel onto the floor so it is 'nearly' touching the tyre.
You dont work for red bull by any chance?

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Re: Red Bull RB6


djos wrote:What rubbish, if there really was a crack in the exhaust there would be burn damage and the car would have prolly not made it home!
No that's not rubbish, that statement, is you recall the exhaust practically falling off Kimi's Ferrari at the French GP (I think) in 2007...Okay yes there was burn damage to the body work but not that much really and the burn damage would be proportional to the amount of hot gasses leaked, which would be lower on the RB6 in this case due to it being a "crack" and not having half the thing fall clean off.

Either way, in that case Kimi's car made it to the flag perfectly fine. In fact he won.

WOW! Sorry for my very late post...I thought I was on the last page of the thread when I hit "reply" I cleary was NOT! LOL....sorry! :oops:
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Re: Red Bull RB6


Guys, isn't the reason why the tyre is touching the floor because of the amount of debris they've picked up on the lap back to park ferme? Those tyres have great chunks stuck to them after they've been through all the marbles making them much bigger hence why it's scraping on the floor?

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Re: Red Bull RB6


bonjon1979 wrote:Guys, isn't the reason why the tyre is touching the floor because of the amount of debris they've picked up on the lap back to park ferme? Those tyres have great chunks stuck to them after they've been through all the marbles making them much bigger hence why it's scraping on the floor?
Yes but the edge of the floor is obviously close enough to the tyre to scrape this debris onto the floor. The particle size of the gravel is unlikely to be greater that 20mm so the gap must be less.
There is also an obviose large gap in the picture between the floor edge and the lowest part of the tyre shown, so the ride height must be at maximum high default.
If you then look at any other side pictures of the car on track, you will see a much bigger gap between the edge of the floor and the tyre which proves the car has a very large range of potential ride height levels.
You can draw the curved triangle in 2D by lowering the car from the first picture.
This range is far to much for the car to achieve any where near a constant race long down force. The conclusion has to be that there is a system on the car that maintains a good ride height at all times the car is running and that it is either an active system or driver adjusted.

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Re: Red Bull RB6


I remember that fia regulation stipulated a minimum gap between floor and tyre ? ilooked up the tech regs but could not find it...was this dropped when the new regs came in?
Last edited by marcush. on 25 Mar 2010, 17:42, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Red Bull RB6


marcush. wrote:i remember that fia regulation stipulates a minimum gap between floor and tyre ?
Presumably when the car is stationary?

Joined: 19 Nov 2009, 13:09

Re: Red Bull RB6


Autosport reporting Redbull have a F vent on the go, along with Force India and obviously Sauber as we have seen

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Re: Red Bull RB6


thestig84 wrote:Autosport reporting Redbull have a F vent on the go, along with Force India and obviously Sauber as we have seen
Damn, this only means we will see more anvil wings! :wtf:
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Re: Red Bull RB6


mx_tifosi wrote:
thestig84 wrote:Autosport reporting Redbull have a F vent on the go, along with Force India and obviously Sauber as we have seen
Damn, this only means we will see more anvil wings! :wtf:
catch-up game, everyone HAS to now

this way, I don't give a damn on FIA's/FOTA's cost saving culture!

Joined: 19 Nov 2009, 13:09

Re: Red Bull RB6


Webber testing a new camera?? I guess this wont be allowed in the race?

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Re: Red Bull RB6


raceman wrote:this way, I don't give a damn on FIA's/FOTA's cost saving culture!
I tend to agree with Raceman on this viewpoint. It seems a little like pitching a fox against a rabbit with the fox's shoelaces tied together (wow, there's a wierd mental image!).

If F1 has a desire to remain the "pinnacle of motorsport" they say so often, I don't see how budget capping or cost saving in general is ever going to work, unless of course they have single chassis', but I don't think that would be a good thing either.
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Re: Red Bull RB6


thestig84 wrote:Webber testing a new camera?? I guess this wont be allowed in the race?
Not just a new camera, ita a new chassis as well, Webber used RB6-02, Vettel used RB6-03 in Bahrain, Vettel still has Lussious Liz but Webber has a new tub as well, he is using the RB6-04.

He is the first driver to have 2 new chassis. But he isnt the first driver to use multiple chassis now, McLaren have done their traditional chassis switch after the first race.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Red Bull RB6


Seb did state in german TV interview that in fact the malady they had in race 1 was a broken ceramic of the sparkplug causing one cylinder not to fire and admitting to a
power loss of 50-100hp bevcause of that..

the 50 HP I do not understand really as this would mean the Renault has only 400HP?
or was the statement more meant like across the used powerband the loss was between 50 and 100HP wich seems reasonable...

anyways we now know that Renault charges 500€ for a sparkplug from Redbull .....