Hispania F110

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Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


I get what youre saying, but surly this is Force Majure here.

Personally, i think that there is a issue with the certain front runner, and do think there is a saftey issue with the HRT car here, BUT this is where Force Majure comes in.

Personally i think this could all be simply involved by having the last test session of the winter a mandatory point where all teams wishing to compete in any season should have to be at, and complete a basic 100KM shakedown on at minimum 3 chassis. If need be, have the teams show up to this test with; and be allowed to use up to 2 cars on track at any given time.

Personally, i feel that drivers should complete no more than 7 days testing before a season starts, but no less than one day. With the cost cap, and restricted testing, surly we should have 2 car testing again on the grounds of saftey issues, and the fact that the test and development drivers need to get used to the car before the season.

I suggest three, 3-day tests with 2 drivers per team at each. That gives the teams in effect 18 days testing on their cars, 14 days of whitch are taken up with their race drivers, and 4 days on whitch a test/reserve or developmental driver can get into the car and get used to the surroundings of the car.

However, the HRT situation is a force majure situation here. They didnt have the money, just got rescued at the last minuite. But this leads on to the 2009 tender process for the 2010 season. I think that it should have been a factor that the teams accepted should have had at least 3 years racing in a lower formulae and have the facilities and resources in place for this.

Its trying to strike a tricky ballance between one topic and another here. I dont know how to approach it, but at current, HRT are 8-9.5% behing the front runners. the thing is that if they improve by 50% by Barcelona, they are gonna still be 6% behind the front teams. HRT are up against it, i think the team they have is up to it, but they need to act fast and get the car to improve quite literally 100% on current lap time to be anywhere where i think that Virgin and Lotus will be at the end of the season interms of lap time % to the pole sitters lap.

I am tracking each and every drivers and teams performance this way throughout the season. If they get the investment and the upgrades, and the drivers get the time on track in FP1 & FP2 in the next few races, they will soon catch up and be less of a danger from now on.

Its just one of those situations were gonna have to work with for now.

Joined: 14 Jul 2008, 11:42

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


gridwalker wrote:I beg your pardon? Who is looking for approval?
You are.
gridwalker wrote:After all of the fuss I have seen about the potential dangers of a certain front runner "stalling" their rear wing, I am surprised that I am the only person here who actually feels this way.
You are looking for it in the wrong place.

And you missed my point entirely. go vent in the Ferrari thread. They'll agree with you.

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Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing



Karun drift gave us little bit of diffuser view.

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Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


Future is like walking into past......

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Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


Is it right that the new cars will be designed and build in Germany?
Does anyone know something about it?
If someone knows some details please send me a pm. Thanks.

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Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


Official website up and running:

:arrow: Hispania Racing F1 Team

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


on the website Willis is named as technical director in the snippet in german online mag he is called a consultant..

http://www.motorsport-total.com/f1/news ... 31915.html

chandhok was surprised about his first steps in F1 with 8 or so laps in qualy and
1 lap in the race... he had hoped for more running..poor boy...
To me the miracle is how you could get all this done within 3 weeks when nothing apart from the car was done before that..and obviously chandhoks car was assembled in the pits on race weekend..drivers seem to be a bit naive...

Joined: 26 Sep 2009, 22:54

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


Anyone noticed any changes to the car this weekend?

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


both cars did run before start of qualy,perhaps? :lol:

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Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


christopher.mahlon wrote:Anyone noticed any changes to the car this weekend?
Changes, none. The only changes they have made is starting to evaluate the aero and set that up one one car, and the other having mechanichal setup changes to gain a 0.8% gain in lap time, whitch is roughly worth a 1.7 second gain in lap time alone by my figures.

Id expact that if they work on the set-up side of things, then add a few changes at Barcelona, they car will be on the pace of the Virgin, if not inbetween the Virgin and Lotus cars.

The Hispania car is a good one, just needs set up properly and a good baseline established. This generally takes the first 2500km to get enough data, So far they have done just 846.267Km, and if both cars get a good ammount of time in the race tomorrow, id like to think Malaysia will see them start to come good, with China being the race the race they begin fully understand the package.

Joined: 08 Jul 2009, 02:11

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


ESPImperium wrote:The Hispania car is a good one, just needs set up properly and a good baseline established.
How do you know this? :?

Joined: 06 Apr 2008, 00:08
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


Confused_Andy wrote:
ESPImperium wrote:The Hispania car is a good one, just needs set up properly and a good baseline established.
How do you know this? :?
Im measuring the % to P1 at every GP and so far the HRT figure has came down from 8.739% at Bahrain to 7.925% at Melbourne. As 1% is roughly 2 seconds for this car, this represents a leap of arround 1.7 seconds.

Each car is measured differently as a 1% gain for Hispania is differnt to a 1% gain to Ferarri, a 1% gain for Ferarri is only worth about 0.3 of a second. Each car gain is relitive in effect. So far the Hispania car is jointly the most improved car with the Red Bull, from Bahrain to Melbourne, but its all a relitive to each car gain.

Its a slightly unsientific approach to a sientific thing, but some how it works in my approach.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


To my understanding it will be only when they get stuck with setup -not getting quicker with setup adjustment -one could know if this car is good or mediocre.
At least it drives not better or worse than Virgin or lotus in their first outings.
They will of course be able to make bigger gains for now ...as they are starting from behind..
that alone should ring the alarmbell of Virgin and Lotus as they seem to be already tantalisingly close after not even completing 1000km of driving...

Joined: 06 Apr 2008, 00:08
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


I think you have gottn it in one.

Untill they get to that apex, we wont really know about how good or bad this car is.

But id recon that they will probably reach the apex of development arround two-fiths thrugh the season, and this is where this car will have all R&D finished on it, with maybes a couple of small exeptions just after.

Id expect Dallara to focus all development on the 2011 car arround Canada being the time this car stops getting developed and the apex coming just after that. Id expect all the new teams to do simmilar, focus resource on they second year car so they can get even closer to, or in the main body of the pack for Hispania, Lotus and Virgin.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: Campos-Dallara Cosworth, aka Hispania Racing


Drivers are drivers ,and as far as I got to know Senna ,he´s pushing in a competitive situation and does not care a --- if the car has done 5 miles or 8000...
so in effect Hispano should look a bit quicker than the others did at the beginning ,because of circumstances being different.Testing is not racing ,they say.. and you can allways say we tret this as a test..but then the chap is sitting in the car and a virgin is in sight... will he lift and wave him by ??? :roll: :roll:
so they push harder than Virgin did in their first hours ,or lotus.. no question.