autogyro wrote:Miquels question defines an AoA more than the stall angle and an increase in the resulting profile drag.
Miguel asks for a clear state:
Actually, Ogami, I believe you don't even need to change the design. If you increase the angle of attack of a wing over the stall AoA (although it may vary a bit with speed), wouldn't you get more drag with less lift?
Stall+AOA, the AOA past Clmax.
This was not my statement.
I stated that a reduction in DF resulted in a reduction in drag.
DF or lift is lost at and just before the stall angle not after it.
Tyring, please brush up your earo knowledge, you're wrong from the start.
Guess what is an AOA at which you stall? An AOA where the CLmax you just reached (so prior the stall) starts to evolve non linearly.
So the lift is certainly not lost before the stall state and certainly not enough to reduce induced drag for the sole reason induced drag is a function of CL and aspect ratio.
If the Stall angle is the angle just after the max CL this is also the angle just after the max induced drag is atteined;
Stalling a wing with AOA has never been a mean to reduce drag, did you every heard of airbrakes??
The loss of lift/DF and induced drag from it is more than the drag remaing from the wing.
If this was not the case there would be no purpose in developing blown rear wings.
That means nothing, nothing at all. I'm sorry but do not try to argue with me on things you don't at least know a little.
The stall of the Merc wing is done below the stall AOA, it is simply a reduction of effective camber.
And not to lose track of your not founded-not argumented idea: that is absolutely NOT a reason to state that in general diminishing Downforce decreases drag.
I'm at lost to make you understand what me and kilcoo tried to say to you since the start, those are real physics, not random opinion mixed with personal feelings about a mafia of people trying to impose their science.
Downforce doesn't necessarily means drag! Period.
Re-read our post, you have all the explanation needed.