Hi guys, ive really enjoyed reading through numerous interesting topics that you have on this site, I have a question I hope you could help me with, I have had this going through my head for a while now, have asked in other forums but nobody can really give me a decent enough answer to prove me either right or wrong, I will happily be proved wrong if someone can provide evidence. so.....
As we all know a formula 1 car is pretty good aerodynamically, im guessing theres isnt much or very little wind displacement, like, for example in a car.
My question is....I was at Silverstone last year and noticed one of the drivers tear off one of his tear strips from his visor and throw it onto the track, this landed rather close to the racing line (maybe a metre or so off line). now it wasn't a very windy day and neither was it in danger of being hit by a car. This piece of plastic never moved even when the formula 1 cars came screaming past, my point is, was this because all of the air was perfectly routed through the car and no side ways wind displacement was evident? sure there is turblent air out of the back of the car, but nothing sideways. if you stood next to a formula 1 car with massive ear protectors and your eyes closed, would you feel it going past you (air wise)?
I have found a couple of photos that kind of state that the air is routed so well through the car that none, if very little, is displaced sideways.
Anyone help?
Sure the wheel are creating a slight problem
Here is a good example, everything looks very clean sideways