I have been using linear damper sensors in a PI data acquisition system for a while.
The main purspose of this was to gather some data our consultant needed to perform a 4 post rig test (car with low aero downforce).
The rig test went very good, the laptimes decreased and the topics discussed here helped a lot.
I have used the PI Toolbox to plot histograms:
And tried to figure out downforce levels:
Taking into account the different motion ratio front and rear, I wonder how much can I trust these polynomials.
I have also processed the data in matlab, using FFT and some results were these:
You can see a peak at x:2,737 wich gets pretty close to the natural frequency of the car that I calculated using corner weight + spring rate at the wheel (2.75Hz)
Now I would like to know what are the other possible uses I can give to them.