Do there any vegetarian racing driver?

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


Thanks, Ted68. A bit of religion. Nothing like a bit of fantasy to bring balance to a discussion.

You bring up biology: we are omnivores built to eat just about anything and everything. If we were vegans by build, we'd be built like horses, cows, sheep. We're not. Why not? Because we're opportunist feeders; eat meat when available, eat fruit when available, eat vegetables when available. That's why a diet including all three is called a 'balanced diet'; given a bit of each we have a diet that gives us everything we need to thrive.

The brain that allows us to have these discussions needs a lot of energy; development of that brain would not have been possible had we eaten only vegetable material. It's no coincidence that intelligent species tend to be carnivores or omnivores. (Human, cetacean, chimp (watch chimps chase and eat monkeys if you want to see 'enjoyment' of meat), dog, cat, pig etc.). There are some 'clever' vegetarian species but they aren't headliners. How many vegetarian humans were vegetarians from the day they could eat solid food? I bet most made the switch in late teens / early adulthood. Long after the brain and body were properly developed.

Now, I have no problem with people making a decision not to eat meat because they think it's "wrong" but please don't bring religion in to it.

I'd rather be a vegan than religious. At least one of those conditions relates to something real...
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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


andrew wrote:How is this even F1 related now?

For the sake of humanity, please someone close this thread!!

It's in off topic chat. Perfectly ok in that case.

Don't like it? Go back to bashing Hamilton in the 'Is Hamilton desperate' thread :lol:
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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


What Ted mentioned concerns true essence of Christianity, while you can see on every corner of the world how those who claim to be greater Christians than Pope do whatever pleases their hedonistic pleasures.

What I was mentioning as bad are organized religions with pilgrims who are just following clergy and doing what they are told, without really having their own spirituality. Religion isn't about following being officially part of some religious movement or about the rules set by clergy, it is individual relation towards the life and the world.

Truly religious people keep that deep in side, as the most intimate thing. Processions in the streets, visiting temples etc. are just empty rituals.

We are similar to animals, but not identical to them in every aspect. Human evolution occurs much faster than the one at animals. Especially our brain, and the knowledge we pass to new generations. That doesn't happens with animals at all. It changes everything, from what drink to what we eat. Everyone says fastfood is bad for health nowdays, while only several decades ago it was so much "in". Our ancestors bit off and chewed raw meat since they did not know about the fire, cooking, had no knifes and forks - that is the origin of some of the teeth we have that resemble to carnivore teeth.

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?



Vegetarianism is not an evolutionary issue. Being a vegetarian does not improve human existence; indeed, limiting a species' food source is likley to be a negative evolutionary issue - it reduces our ability to survive in changing environments.

Use of knives / forks is extremely recent in human history and of no relevance to what is being eaten.

Cooking of food is thought to be a huge leap in our development because cooked food (meat or plant) is much easier to digest and thus provides much more useable energy for growth / development.

Certain important minerals e.g. iron, are much more easily absorbed by our bodies from meat than from plant sources. Why? Because we have elolved to eat both.

Vegetarianism is not a biological or evolutionary issue. It is a personal choice based on personal beliefs. Please don't try to dress it up as anything else.

I'm happy that you are a vegetarian and are thus content with your choices. Please have the good grace to extend the same courtesy to me. Anything else is just pointless attempts at gain-saying. Any argument either side puts forward will be countered by arguments of similar claimed veracity.
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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


Just_a_fan wrote:Being a vegetarian does not improve human existence; indeed, limiting a species' food source is likley to be a negative evolutionary issue - it reduces our ability to survive in changing environments
It's the opposite - Growing cattle food limits the food source, since same land could feed immeasurably greater number of people with vegetables for human diet, without polluting the planet.

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


manchild wrote:
Just_a_fan wrote:Being a vegetarian does not improve human existence; indeed, limiting a species' food source is likley to be a negative evolutionary issue - it reduces our ability to survive in changing environments
It's the opposite - Growing cattle food limits the food source, since same land could feed immeasurably greater number of people with vegetables for human diet, without polluting the planet.
This leads me to an awful thought. The next thing to be banned by the eco-mentalists after cars would be meat! Cattle leaves a huge 'carbon footprint' by farting. :shock:

Joined: 04 Oct 2009, 15:03

Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


Something has got to be done in the not so distant future to free up more land for food, no matter what kind.
WW3 anyone?
Oh I forgot, the nuclear supporters already have that one in hand.

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


Just_a_fan wrote:
andrew wrote:How is this even F1 related now?

For the sake of humanity, please someone close this thread!!

It's in off topic chat. Perfectly ok in that case.

Don't like it? Go back to bashing Hamilton in the 'Is Hamilton desperate' thread :lol:
I think I will post where I like matey boy. The topic was are there any veggie drivers. It has now been hijacked into a battle veggie v carnivore. Not very F1 anymore.

Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 20:37

Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


andrew wrote: I think I will post where I like matey boy. The topic was are there any veggie drivers. It has now been hijacked into a battle veggie v carnivore. Not very F1 anymore.
Which bit of "off topic chat" don't you understand, "matey boy"?

Off topic. Chat. Doesn't need to be F1 related. Hence "off topic".

Quite simple really. Rather like you it seems... :wink:
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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


Just_a_fan wrote:
andrew wrote: I think I will post where I like matey boy. The topic was are there any veggie drivers. It has now been hijacked into a battle veggie v carnivore. Not very F1 anymore.
Which bit of "off topic chat" don't you understand, "matey boy"?

Off topic. Chat. Doesn't need to be F1 related. Hence "off topic".

Quite simple really. Rather like you it seems... :wink:
But the topic is asking if there are any veggie F1 drivers. The past few pages seem to be a Harry Hill style "which is best" between the merits of being a veggie and non veggie so it that respect it is off topic as the possibility of a veggie F1 driver is not being looked into despite being in off topic chat. Simples.

Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 20:37

Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


That's what off topic chat is. It's off topic chat. It goes where it goes wiithout whipping-in from the mods etc (unless it strays in to unacceptable areas e.g. -ism of some type
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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


flynfrog wrote:
It is a supply problem but not like you think it is. The US has massive subsidies for corn production. The price of corn is well below the cost of production. This encourages feed lot and factory farm style of animal raising instead of grazing. With grain so cheap and land so expensive they pack the animals in tiny feed lots and feed them corn. This make Fast food meals so cheap. I would be more than happy to remove the subsides this would encourage more vegetable growth instead of grain. I love veggies. It would also raise the price of meat helping to curb our massive appetite for the stuff. In the end we would pay more for our food but it would be much higher quality.
I certainly didn't know that, thanks for the info. So quite literally the government decides what you should eat and is happy to put its hand in your pocket
jon-mullen wrote:

Me, personally, if you wanted to convince me to go vegetarian, tell me what you usually eat. Where you shop. What's on your grocery list. Does it come up when you go out to eat. A lot of people I know who go veg end up eating from an even more limited menu and a lot of junk food and then try to tell me it's healthier. Not the way they're doing it. Not to mention it's almost always more expensive. Make it sound easy (cheap would help too) and I think you'd be surprised at how many people stop arguing with you over the morality and health of it.
Very true, it's a logistical challenge at the very beginning, all the more so if like me you live in the '3rd world', and quite certainly the people that live closer to me have slowly adopted a few dietary items from yours truly.

Now, several people have mentioned it's more expensive. Over here it is somewhat more expensive, but not too much. In fact depending on how well you plan/prepare your meals, it should be similar or even cheaper sometimes.
But coming to think about Europe, and perhaps the US as well, i know that the bananas we export from here are a lot more expensive over there if they are grown within the 'natural/pesticide free/organic' mumbo jumbo label, so I'm wondering if certain vegan products carry that same price hike. So people end up paying 20% for the banana's real price and the other 80% is to pay for the 'feel good about your green self' bit
Just_a_fan wrote:
You bring up biology: we are omnivores built to eat just about anything and everything. If we were vegans by build, we'd be built like horses, cows, sheep. We're not. Why not? Because we're opportunist feeders; eat meat when available, eat fruit when available, eat vegetables when available.
I agree we're built omnivores, in fact 'oportunistic feeder' describes us best. However the statement above is completely disconnected from your next sentence:
Just_a_fan wrote: That's why a diet including all three is called a 'balanced diet'; given a bit of each we have a diet that gives us everything we need to thrive.
A diet is not balanced from eating fruits, vegetables and meat. Saying so is not too distant from saying a balanced diet should contain red, blue and green things. A diet is balanced from carb, protein, fat, minerals/vitamins, etc. ingestion. Omnivore, vegetarian/vegan balanced diets are possible; but to my knowledge humans cannot have carnivore balanced diets.
And that's the crux of it, we are built to have choice and exercise our lil brains. And that's what's most disheartening in omnivore humans, most of them never made the choice,they just went along with the flow.
Just_a_fan wrote:The brain that allows us to have these discussions needs a lot of energy; development of that brain would not have been possible had we eaten only vegetable material.
Bold statement, proof of this?

I will agree that at some point in human development omnivorism was necessary and helped us get where we are, oportunity and high energy concentration of weaker animals made it so. But again, it's in our past now, we don't need to keep on doing it simply because that's 'how it's always been done'. Again, choice.
Just_a_fan wrote:
Certain important minerals e.g. iron, are much more easily absorbed by our bodies from meat than from plant sources. Why? Because we have elolved to eat both.
I don't claim you'll be healthier by being a vegan, however my wife is living proof that a vegan diet does not imply an iron defficiency. As an omnivore, she always had low red cell count, not sure if this is the correct translation (hemoglobin?). The number coming up in her results was around a 10, which if i understand it correctly is not too far away from blood transfusion, and technically constitutes anemia. It goes without saying they gave her various different omnivore diet changes, supplements, etc. and this never changed. Mind you, she was perfectly healthy.
Then she became a vegetarian at 22, and a few months later she went full vegan. Her levels are now in the 12-13 range, literally higher than ever before. She's still perfectly healthy.
I'm not saying this to imply the diet is 'more balanced' now, I'm just saying it's a statement to the fact that you can have both omnivore and vegan diets that are balanced, and the opposite is true as well. But choosing one does not constitute a deficiency per se, you just have to be smart about your food.
andrew wrote:

But the topic is asking if there are any veggie F1 drivers. The past few pages seem to be a Harry Hill style "which is best" between the merits of being a veggie and non veggie so it that respect it is off topic as the possibility of a veggie F1 driver is not being looked into despite being in off topic chat. Simples.
Just cover your eyes the next time you open up the topic. Even easier, don't open it, crazy as it may sound it'll probably work!
Do I smell denial transitioning into anger? :wink: hehe
Alejandro L.

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


alelanza wrote:
flynfrog wrote:
It is a supply problem but not like you think it is. The US has massive subsidies for corn production. The price of corn is well below the cost of production. This encourages feed lot and factory farm style of animal raising instead of grazing. With grain so cheap and land so expensive they pack the animals in tiny feed lots and feed them corn. This make Fast food meals so cheap. I would be more than happy to remove the subsides this would encourage more vegetable growth instead of grain. I love veggies. It would also raise the price of meat helping to curb our massive appetite for the stuff. In the end we would pay more for our food but it would be much higher quality.
I certainly didn't know that, thanks for the info. So quite literally the government decides what you should eat and is happy to put its hand in your pocket
check out the movie "food inc" its pretty close to the truth. I grew up in farm country. I have seen most of this first hand.

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?


flynfrog wrote:
check out the movie "food inc" its pretty close to the truth. I grew up in farm country. I have seen most of this first hand.
THanks, just saw the trailer, and it certainly looks interesting, appreciate it!
Alejandro L.

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Re: Do there any vegetarian racing driver?
