If only it were that easy.manchild wrote:
no reliability = too thin pistons

I was thinking more on the lines of fragile engine = lowered revs = less hp.
Though I'm no expert on engines.
Its always easy to blame the gear box. It seems that most often especially with Honda the drivers are trained to say ''the gear box''.i read in a different article that the problem is more with the gearbox then the engine?..what do you guys make of that?
Now if you had type of sound of F1 car and know speed of car (of cause direction too)in this moments you can gess about revs, gearing_proces, traction control working, and so on..... then you can record sound of many session and tnen you can compare and find out many things....normally when they are recording the cound it is to get an idea of how many revs their competitors are running.