The trouble is, everyone involved in F1 has an agenda. And each try in their own way to get what they desire. I see personal politics being played out, conflict of interests, and all forms of filthy politics.
But despite all that crap, and rules changes, in general things have never been better for Formula One. The general public percieve it as the pinnacle of motorsport, everyone wants a race in their nation, and the money keeps flowing in. Last season, there was some excellent racing, I really enoyed the entire season. Big buck manufacturers all want a piece of the mystique and glory of F1. Then again, maybe F1 has been too prosperous, with major manufacturers involved as much as they are.
But everything happens for a reason. Max's recent "ideas" are there to help him get where he wants too be. We just have to see how all this is played out.
The treatment of Super Aguri is interesting. The powers in f1 have moved mountains to get SA to the grid in '06. Paul Stoddard never had such support...

But I also believe why SA got so much support from the suits in F1. Honda is closely tied to SA, and Honda is also one of the major manufacturers who are holding out against Max's proposed vision of the future. So don't be surprised if and when Honda breaks ranks from Mercedes, BMW, Renault, and Toyota to sign with Max.