mep wrote:Ok, Ok I agree.
You can make differences to the temperatures with these things.
Do you think that is the mayor point here?
I thought the discussion is more about why one is dark and the other one shiny.
Just_a_fan wrote:I'd bet they're made of the same high temp alloy, e.g. inconel, just that the light and angle isn't quite the same in each photo. They may run at slightly different temps too which might affect colour. Or they might have done more miles with one than the other.delsando wrote:What material are the Red bull exhausts made of , seems different form the Ferrari(steel)?
Could this material be advantageous, such as retaining heat longer for unburnt fuel to burn off during throttle lift.
Both exhaust show colours from heat. Just on the RB they are not that visible because of the darker colour. I don't think the reason why one is bright and one shiny has anything to do with the temperatures or how often it got used. The dark colour is just to uniform to be heat related.
I think we can’t even say which one got used more. Something shiny always looks new but on the dark one I see less blue colours.
We should search the difference in the material and coating they have and we should look what advantages they bring.
Ferrari:electropolishing ,REdbull :cold drawn no further treatment IMO the more open surface will tend to oxidise more than a polished surface.