Reduction of G-forces in race cars

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Re: Reduction of G-forces in race cars


xpensive wrote:But accelleration is not force, for crying out loud!
When you are experiencing acceleration, you may deduce that you have some force acting on you))) Even more, if you know your mass, you may calculate the force)))

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Re: Reduction of G-forces in race cars


I am officially giving up on all engineering wannabees on this here forum from now on. #-o
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Re: Reduction of G-forces in race cars


xpensive wrote:How I hate this "G-force" xpression, when what it's really about is accelleration, which is measured in meters per second squared. One "g" is the typical earth-accelleration, 9.81 m/s^2, which is sometimes used as a comparison.

Therefore there is nothing like a "G-force", G-men or my mistress' G-spot perhaps, but never ever a G-force. :evil:
That's why I never use the term 'G-force'...I just refer to it as g.
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Re: Reduction of G-forces in race cars


G-force is actually the force generated by the gravitational field. It is ussually used for comparison because (average)people have idea of how much force exerts the gravity, but not how much force causes an object to get 9.81m/(s*s). It's then transformed to something we all understand but know is wrong.

The same happens with the poles. People believe that the geographical north pole and the magnetic north pole are near the same area. The geogrpahical north, is near the magnetic south.
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Re: Reduction of G-forces in race cars


Caito wrote:...
The same happens with the poles. People believe that the geographical north pole and the magnetic north pole are near the same area. The geogrpahical north, is near the magnetic south.
Not true. The magnetic north is "near" the geographical north, same for the south.

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Re: Reduction of G-forces in race cars


xpensive wrote:But accelleration is not force, for crying out loud!

And gravity is a force, not acceleration. Gravity is the force created by the proximity of two separate masses. Earth is 10^X times more massive than everything on its surface, so the common knowledge says that earth is pulling us down, when in fact we are pulling each other.

Since this force is linear dependant of mass, whatever small body around earth will be pulled to it by a force proportional to it's mass, hence having a fixed acceleration when free falling towards earth.