Ok pretty big update right now. I got a new floor, the car now got suspension and wheelhubs(robbed of F1 2010 Mclaren lol), A new beamwing, 80% new front wing and bodywork changes.

As you can see the diffuser got 2 strakes in it. The central deck(which is legal by the rule box that counts there) is made alot smaller although it ends at the same angle. An problem with the old one was that it hit the crashbox, so the area where these two parts meet where very turbulent and draggy. You can also see that the car got its exhaust, the guiding vanes which also hold the crashbox and the area behind it are designed to get some of its air inside this channel, thus at the end interacting with this extra attachment.

Here you can see the brand new foot plate. You can see there is some sort of slit on the inside end of it, that is an sort of flip up you also see in front fot eh rear wheels. The footplate got some sort of its own diffuser to help interact with this slit.
And here you got the brand new beam wing. It is designed for more downforce by itself, the crashbox itself also was significantly lowered to optimize the beam wing(as there is a colling hole just in front of the beam wing starting edge). By this the beam wing can be completely flat.
Also there is an vertical element on the outside, this is for under yaw to help generating downforce.
You can also see the new wing pillar over there, it is currently unfinished but i hope to design it to let it work like an f-duct.

Here you can see the area in front of the rear wheels, it got an double duct to draw air under the floor and then a small flip up, this all is to reduce the rear wheels interference with underbody aerodynamics. The car consist of 2 flip ups, the left one bends and is connected to the footplate, the right one bends around the footplate and runs through till the diffuser, so effectively you have nearly no normal airflow onto the footplate, most goes over the diffuser, which in turn also generates more downforce.

And he new front wing, It got a completely new cascade deck, the second end plate was removed and filled up with an strake from the cascade and the end plate oft he cascade. In front of its trailing edge is a small winglet.

You can see the new cascade here, it is an triple element wing with double element end plates. This part is just designed for downforce and it is placed strategically in front of the tire.
Also you can see the inner end plate which is new, at the inside of that there is a new winglet, all to just help the airflow better around the tires and through the suspension.
What you also can see here is that i have lowered the nose significantly, with this the underside of the nose becomes upwards too, generating downforce by itself and more by the skirts.
For future things I plan an 5-piece front wing(excluding the 3-piece cascade), this is easily possible with the chord length of the front wing. Also, due to the raised crashbox(and thus in turn higher CofG due to the raised gearbox) it would be particularly easy to make the car an double floored car, just to regain the df that was lost by the ban of the DDD, in turn of that this floor will act as the second deck, thus will raise much higher, just under beam wing height.