Jersey Tom wrote:I just find it odd that we have some people clamoring "We need less marbles so there's more area to pass!" and at the same time "Tires should wear faster!"
I don't see why soft tyres should necessarily wear away
faster than they have in the past when clever layering techniques could produce tyres that only provide a limited amount of soft rubber on the surface of the tyre. This way, tyre life could be governed by the amount of soft rubber available, rather than how fast it breaks down.
If the softer tyres had a relatively thin coat of soft rubber layered over an ultra hard core construction, the thickness of the soft rubber layer could be adjusted to provide a set amount of life (under specific loading conditions) before the grip they provide drops off like a cliff.
This way, tyre life could be controlled directly, without resorting to extremely fast wearing tyres that produce large volumes of marbles.
Of course, I am no tyre technician and know very little about the complexities of bonding together different rubber compounds. Is an idea like this even feasible, or would it produce some major side effects like the "chunking" that occurred with the 2005 spec "long life" tyres?
To be fair, I'm not even certain that this is the right place for this kind of discussion. If the mods think that we should be discussing this elsewhere then please feel free to move this comment to a new thread.