Rossi no question....unless you gave Alonso years to learn how to be truly fast on a bike.
The way I look at it is, FA would have Rossi in the F1 car and possibly the WRC - but it would be close. We already know that Rossi is pretty handy in both.
On the bike Rossi will take seconds out of Alonso. Any motorcyclists here? Riding a bike fast is very hard to do. Picture Rossi firing the bike through a corner with the back tyre lit up at 120mph, now picture Alonso being fired sky high when he tries that and high-sides.......ain't going to happen.
Please, don't think I don't believe Alonso could be good on a bike, he is probably one of those people who would be good at anything he tried. It's just that a life-time of bike experience will give Rossi an advantage of seconds, but a lifetime in cars will only give FA tenths.
BTW - like the last option.......