I do not want to interfere, but, guys, please, the centrifugal force does not exist.
The centripetal force is not compensated by anything: you can prove it because the car turns. If it was equilibrated, the car would continue in a straight line, like Newton's first law demands. This is one of the most difficult things to teach to highway design students, BTW...
Please, please, read part IV of Brian Beckman's
"The physics of racing".
Every pilot and designer should read it. Scroll down and you will find the link.
Besides, the equations offered in this thread do not take in account the superelevation and the transition curves (and the transition of the superelevation), and most important of all, that 3.4 g for a tire is a little high. I would be surprised by such a high value, but if you say so...
I really do not know if you can talk of design speed for a race track, as it is defined as:
"...the maximum safe speed that can be mantained over a specified section of highway when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern."
- AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Desing of Highways and Streets -
This definition clearly does not apply here, so I presume you are talking of maximum speed. If you want to simulate the maximum speed, you have to take in account the weight transfer caused by braking and calculate the force on every wheel individually. The equations offered are simple approximations, anyway. More important are the equations for the tire response. I will check a little and offer you the links, when I have more time.
Finally: there is no need for "little molecular bonds" to "improve" the aerodynamic downforce. I do not know how to say this as strongly as possible, so I will scream (or its equivalent) a little: ALL THE FORCES THAT THE CAR CAN EXERT TO MOVE SIDEWAYS PASS THROUGH THE WHEEL/TRACK INTERFACE. Got it? If you had zero friction wheels, not even the most powerful aero package in the world could help you to turn a car.